Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are at the core of the BAM Community. SIGs enable you to connect, collaborate and communicate with your colleagues in a highly effective manner with leading edge thinking, research and teaching in your discipline.
Each SIG has a range of activities and events that serve their membership, details of which can be found on individual SIG pages.
Please find here more information on how to get involved in your SIG.

Corporate Governance
Corporate governance is viewed as being about all aspects of the control of organisations, and the interests which organisations serve. Specific areas of governance include managerial remuneration and the composition of boards of directors but it is clear that corporate governance refers more widely to systems of finance, ownership and regulation.

Cultural and Creative Industries
CCI SIG explores the challenges faced in the cultural and creative industries to maximise the impact of research and build a research community across the arts, humanities and social sciences. We are an inclusive space that facilitates collaboration, research innovation and funding opportunities to advance our understanding of the cultural and creative industries.

e-Business and Information Systems Management
The e-Business and Information Systems Management SIG fosters and promotes the discovery and dissemination of high quality research at the interface between information systems and business management. Our rapidly growing international memberships include academics and practitioners at all stages of their careers.

The Entrepreneurship SIG objectives are to provide a forum for discussion, debate and dissemination on entrepreneurship-related issues, to aid networking between members, and to encourage interaction and collaboration internally and externally, as a means of forming bridges between BAM, public policy and practice through research, networking and knowledge transfer activities.

Financial Management
The FM SIG provides a forum for interdisciplinary thinking and research collaboration between academics and practitioners across the spectrum of corporate finance, and its application to other areas of management, including entrepreneurship, management, international business, regulation, decision sciences, as well as the foundation discipline of economics.

Gender in Management
The Gender in Management SIG is an inclusive forum and we welcome anyone with an interest in advancing thinking and understanding in the area of gender and diversity management as well as those interested in how their area of interest can be enriched by discussions about gender and diversity management.

Human Resource Management
The Human Resource Management SIG is open to all BAM members with an interest in the management of people in organizations. It's aim is to contribute to improving both management practice and employee experience through the encouragement of rigorous conceptual and empirical research.

The Identity SIG focuses on furthering the debate on how identities are formed and reformed and explores the impacts of the social processes through which identity is constructed and used. Drawing upon research from across different areas, such as sociology, psychology, organizational theory and marketing, we aim to provide an arena in which researchers from different backgrounds can debate and develop understanding.

The Innovation SIG provides a cross-disciplinary forum for researchers interested in advancing knowledge and understanding of the nature, processes, practices, and outcomes of innovation. The SIG intends to meet its obligations to BAM by providing value to the wider academic community with an interest in innovation studies.

Inter-Organizational Collaboration: partnerships, alliances and networks
This Special Interest Group is a network of academics whose interests revolve around the theory and practice of the many manifestations of collaborative working – alliances, joint ventures, networks and strategic partnerships.

International Business and International Management
The International Business and International Management SIG seeks to identify and anticipate the new research agenda, muster resources to enhance our capacity to develop our academic skills and to lead the way to creating an environment in which academic research will engage with the non-academic community, in particular government and the commercial international business community.

Knowledge and Learning
The Knowledge and Learning SIG aims to create a space where early career and senior researchers, academics and their students make a significant contribution to the field of Knowledge and Learning in the UK and internationally as well as for the practice and the classroom.

Leadership and Leadership Development
The Leadership and Leadership Development SIG seeks to develop alongside this uplift in activity and research with an aim of bringing together the academic and practitioner experiences and viewpoints.

Management and Business History
The Management and Business History SIG aims to understand and preserve interest in the value of historical research for the study of business and management.

Marketing and Retail
The Marketing and Retail SIG aims to provide networking opportunities for new and existing academics in support of their endeavor to explore and articulate marketing and retail theory.

Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management SIG is focused on all aspects of Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (OLSCM).

Organisational Psychology
The Organisational Psychology SIG is primarily to encourage and support the formation of collaborative research networks in the domain of organisational psychology.

Organisational Transformation, Change and Development
The Organisational Transformation, Change and Development (OTCD) SIG is an interdisciplinary community of scholars and practitioners who are interested in all aspects of the constantly changing nature of organisations.

Performance Management
The Performance Management SIG aims to provide a forum for the discussion of multi-disciplinary perspectives on performance management and the exploration of the more eclectic and thematic issues facing researchers in this area.

Project Experiences
BAMPrex: Exploring the interdisciplinary dimensions of project experiences.

Public Management and Governance
The Public Management and Governance SIG welcomes colleagues studying any aspect of management and governance in the public sector although there are a number of areas of special interest within the group.

Research Methodology
The Research Methodology SIG is aimed at BAM members with an interest in research methodology and the practices affecting research.

The Strategy SIG aims to provide a forum for discussion on the topic of strategy and strategic management, to enable members to keep in touch with contemporary debates on the topic of strategy. We organise our own events and publicise opportunities, events and knowledge about strategy, in research and teaching. We build capacity of researchers through our workshop programme, combining new research presentations with researcher training. Follow us on Twitter @BAMstrategysig.

Sustainable and Responsible Business
The Sustainable and Responsible Business SIG aims to act as a wide forum where issues of sustainable and responsible management may be debated, and challenges of addressing climate concerns are highlighted through academic and practitioner contributions.