Project Experiences

Project experiences tries to capture all aspects associated with projects, namely temporary endeavours with defined objectives and resources.

Project experiences tries to capture all aspects associated with projects, namely temporary endeavours with defined objectives and resources. The Project Experiences SIG is open to a wide range of perspectives centred on projects, including – but not limited to – project management, project organising, project governance, project success, project sustainability, stakeholders, project complexity, agile project management, project practice, and project leadership.

About the SIG:

This SIG aims to create an inclusive global community of project researchers that enables them to develop themselves and produce research meaningful to academe, practice, and the wider society.


  1. To run the Project Experiences track at the annual BAM conference
  2. To run a series of events throughout the year to enhance individuals’ project management research capabilities
  3. To engage with the wider BAM community and utilise the broad and varied offering and expertise
  4. To create a forum for intellectual intoxication and pleasure for project management research

The SIG was formed in 2021 to encourage research about projects and provide development opportunities for the project research community. The SIG is interested in both theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions to project experiences. We are open to research undertaken in different empirical contexts (e.g. any industry, country or unit of analysis) as well as interdisciplinary research. We are an inclusive space aiming at facilitating research and teaching collaborations and sharing funding opportunities.

We also promote collaborations with professional associations focused on project experience, such as the Association for Project Management (APM), which has provided financial and in-kind support for BAM and the Project Experiences track for a number of years.

SIG Events 2024

SIG Annual Meeting Minutes 2022

BAM PREX 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes.pdf 2

SIG Committee Members 2025

  • SIG Chair and Treasurer - Dr Nicholas Dacre (University of Southampton, UK)
  • SIG Vice-Chair and Secretary –
  • Co-Track Chair – Dr Jane Dowson (Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
  • Co-Track Chair - Dr Ambi Ambituuni (University of Birmingham, UK)
  • Social Media and Communications Officer – Dan Yang (University of Leeds, UK)

SIG Contact

Twitter: @BAMprex

Email: [email protected]