The Identity SIG focuses on furthering the debate on how identities are formed and reformed and explores the impacts of the social processes through which identity is constructed and used. Drawing upon research from across different areas, such as sociology, psychology, organizational theory and marketing, we aim to provide an arena in which researchers from different backgrounds can debate and develop understanding.
About the SIG:
The aim of the Identity SIG is to provide a supportive, inclusive environment where research and debates on the role of identity in organisation studies can be explored and developed. We welcome established scholars, early career researchers and PhD candidates, researchers who are experts in the identity field and those who are just discovering it and would like to know more.
Identities can be constructed and realised in various modes in organisations: the individual, the role, the profession, the interest group, the hierarchical group, the organisation and the network amongst others. People can also be identified by their gender, age, presumed and enacted attitudes, behaviours, associated scripts, rituals and symbols. The Identity SIG focuses on furthering debates on how identities are formed and reformed, and on exploring the impacts of the social processes through which identity is constructed, enacted and mobilised.
Research from many different areas, such as sociology, psychology, organizational theory and marketing, all have important things to say about identity, and we aim to provide an arena in which researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines can share perspectives, debate and develop new and generative understandings of identity. In addition to a multi-disciplinary approach, we also encourage the use of diverse methodologies. Research relating to identity has been conducted through philosophical inquiry, ethnographic, positivistic, interpretivist and Mode 2/Action research, and our aim again is to facilitate dialogue between researchers operating from within different methodologies.
The central objectives of the SIG are:
- To foster research on identity and identity processes;
- To seek and facilitate dialogue between the diverse conceptions of identity; and
- To develop awareness of, and transparency between, diverse traditions and/or methods of identity research.
SIG Events 2024/2025
No Current Events
SIG Committee Members 2025
Other Committee Members:
- Rosalia Cascon-Pereira
- Anne Crafford
- Angela McGrane
- Ingo Winkler
- Seyyedali Ziaei