British Journal of Management (BJM)

The British Journal of Management (BJM) is the official journal of the British Academy of Management. Included in the Social Sciences Citation Index, it is an important outlet for high quality papers across a range of disciplines and functional areas of management. Published quarterly it welcomes papers that make inter-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary contributions, as well as research from within the traditional disciplines and managerial functions.

This video introduces BJM and provides practical tips for prospective authors

'This video introduces BJM and provides practical tips for prospective authors'



Professor Shuang Ren

Professor Shuang Ren


Professor Riikka Sarala

Professor Riikka Sarala


Professor Paul Hibbert

Professor Paul Hibbert

Co-Editor-in-Chief, British Journal of Management

Emma Missen

Emma Missen

Managing Editor,

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BJM Author Resources

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All BJM Issues

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BJM Early View Content

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BJM Special Issues

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BJM Video Abstracts

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BJM Teaching Guides