Developmental papers

Developmental Papers

Getting on The Right Track: MNCs on The Path to End forced Labour in Supply Chains (167)

Author/sZahra Shirgholami Rosanna Cole James Aitken

Track: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

Keywords: N/A

Abstract: Forced labour is a type of slavery which occurs in both domestic and global supply chains and includes the majority of people trapped in slavery today ILO 2018. In current literature addressing forced labour within supply chains, there is a lack of understanding of both underlying reasons behind MNCs attitudes towards forced labour and how they can contribute to end forced labour within global supply chains. Although research is advancing, few studies consider what MNCs are not doing. Hence, this paper aims to explore how MNCs can make a worthwhile contribution to eradicate forced labour in supply chains through answering the following questions, What prevents MNCs from taking the ethical path and actions that they profess to, How can MNCs find the most effective path into the needed actions

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Towards A Framework For Categorisation Of Project Stakeholders (184)

Author/sLucian Tipi Olga Matthias

Track: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsProject stakeholderscategorisationsystems

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop a framework for categorisation of project stakeholders that contains meaningful, practically relevant categories that will support project management researchers and practitioners. Project stakeholders are the main reason for complexity in projects due to the social nature or projects and further research into this area is necessary given the stubbornly high project failure rates. The proposed methodological framework is based on an interpretivist philosophy using a Charmaz 2006 grounded theory building approach within a systems thinking framework. This research will lead to the development of a framework that allows the categorisation of internal and external project stakeholders in relation to stakeholders to be informed and to be consulted. Furthering the project management body of knowledge and practice through building theoretical and practical understanding of project stakeholders through a novel categorisation framework.
The stakeholders categorisation exercise may lead to oversimplification of findings since projects are multifaceted social environments.

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Procurement Processes Supporting Sustainability Practice: Legalities and Reverse Exchanges in Healthcare (282)

Author/sClaire Frances Lindsay

Track: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsReverse ExchangesHealthcareLegalProcurement

Abstract: This research investigates reverse exchanges (RE) in healthcare through a study of National Health Services procurement practices. To date, reverse flow literature has focused on manufacturing based supply chains with consideration of service supply chains currently underdeveloped. The manufacturing base also does not sufficiently address legal statutes affecting public sector procurement processes and consideration of sustainability. In considering reverse flows, content analysis of procurement documentation identifies how the procurement process supports adherence to legal regulation and then determines the of role reverse exchanges in sustainability practice. Although sustainability policies clearly aligned to the legal regulation of procurement are identified, examples of RE are limited as it is uncertain how product is recaptured back into the supply chain to support sustainability in practice.

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The Characteristics of Knowledge Brokering Positions in Project-based Organizations (349)

Author/sAli Hadi Shenxue Li Christine Unterhitzenberger

Track: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsProject-based organizationsknowledge brokersknowledge disseminationknowledge management

Abstract: Although research on knowledge flow in project based organizations PBOs is emerging, studies focusing on knowledge brokering are very limited. Previous contributions studied knowledge brokering behavior of some personnel or entities in a variety of contexts. However, a role centered research on how those occupying knowledge brokering positions KBPs mediate knowledge flow between projects and PBOs is seriously lacking especially in the current prevalence of these positions in job market. This study aims to establish a firm understanding on how KBPs elicit, integrate and mobilize knowledge between projects and PBOs. A conceptual framework delineating structural, operational, strategic, and individual characteristics promoting KBPs functional effectiveness is produced as part of this research.

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Lean Project Management as a Facilitator of Organisational Learning (718)

Author/sJane Katharine Dowson David James Bryde Moataz Al-Hilou Alexander Marcano Jacqueline Douglas

Track: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

Keywordslean project managementcomplexityproject learningorganisational learning

Abstract: The advancement of project management PM knowledge and development of the PM capability of people is crucial to the successful delivery of projects. Projects can be viewed as temporary learning organisations, with a unique end product or service, and a process through which people collaborate, and act as conduits or vehicles to produce the intended product or service. In austere times, all industries must do more with less, and lean principles are required more than ever in order to sustain competitive advantage and add value on an ongoing basis. Recent research has proposed that lean tools unintentionally facilitate knowledge creation and that decision making in supply chains can be supported by a knowledge management KM framework. Accordingly, learning and development requires investment, intellect, and interactions the 3 Is, within a carefully constructed supportive culture to maximise opportunities for organisational learning OL. By focusing on the under researched area of psycho social aspects of LPM, the research considers and explores the perspectives from practitioners implementing lean project management LPM through semi structured interviews. Initial findings are presented following interpretative, inductive and thematic analysis in order to establish elements for the potential relationship between LPM and OL.

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Fair Project Governance The Role of the Clients Corporate Governance (846)

Author/sChristine Unterhitzenberger Dietmar Moeller

Track: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

Keywordsproject managementgovernance

Abstract: Projects are gaining more and more importance in the global economy and big corporate firms need to ensure that their complex largescale investment projects are suitably governed. Looking at project governance through the theoretical lens of interorganisational networks, where the corporate client is the lead organisation, we investigate the role of the clients corporate governance on fair project governance. With the initial findings of a single holistic case study, we develop five propositions about this relationship.

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A Firm-Level Analysis Of The Interaction Between Productivity Antecedents (882)

Author/sDonato Masi Helen Mullen Ben Clegg Jillian MacBryde Palie Smart Peter Ball Stella Despoudi

Track: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

Keywordsproductivity antecedentshierarchical modelflat modelfactors

Abstract: This study focuses on productivity at a firm level, examining the levers that management can potentially use to improve the productivity of their firm. Previous studies have characterised the factors that affect productivity at a firm level; however, the relative importance of these factors, and the way in which these factors interact, remains unclear. This study builds on the classification of productivity antecedents proposed by Syverson (2011), and it proposes two different archetypes of interaction between productivity antecedents: the hierarchical vs the flat model. Data collection is ongoing to refine and validate the theoretical model.

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Prioritizing Supply Chain Resilience Practices based on the Sustainability Goals (987)

Author/sVarun Sharma Bijaya K Mangaraj

Track: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsSupply Chain ResilienceSustainabilitySustainable Supply ChainSustainable Supply Chain Resilience

Abstract: In present scenario Supply chain is operating under turbulent and uncertain times which has developed an immense need for adopting supply chain resilience. However, while maintaining operations in the short term, the sustainability of the supply chain could be compromised. This phenomenon has created a challenge for managers to maintain operations in uncertainty while retaining the same level of sustainability. This developmental paper aims to propose supply chain resilient practices which also work towards preserving sustainability in the supply chain. A multi-criteria decision-making method shall be used to cluster and prioritize the practices by their sustainability. Suggested practices will contribute towards achieving sustainable supply chain resilience.

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Charting a course, embarking on a journey: Developing Leadership Competences in Complex Project Management (1027)

Author/sFran Ackermann Eunice Maytorena Carl Gavin

Track: Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

Keywordsleadershipexecutive educationproject management

Abstract: This paper explores the development of an executive education programme requested by a project-based organisation seeking to progress to the next level regarding project management leadership competences (reflecting the changing world) and building a common approach. We draw on recent research in management education, leadership and project management competence development and describe how current challenges in these areas have been taken into consideration in our programme design development, delivery and evolution. We identify key learnings points and conclude with some reflections.

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