Developmental papers

Developmental Papers

Analytical Buggery: From Disembodied Detachment to Embodied Engagement in Organizational Analysis (236)

Author/sTorkild Thanem David Knights

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

Keywords: N/A

Abstract: Inspired by Gilles Deleuzes 1995 historical philosophical method of buggery, this paper introduces a method of analytical buggery to promote more embodied ways of engaging with empirical material in organizational research. Whereas dominant research practice tends to silently assume that analysis is about grasping the simple if detailed order of things through detached logical reasoning, the organizational scholar committed to analytical buggery seeks to imbue their analysis with as much flesh and blood as possible from the lives they study, without denying that any effort to create theoretical insights into organizational life is necessarily shaped and informed by the researchers own embodied life. As the analytical bugger plunges into an untidy web of extant concepts, empirical records and corporeal experiences, she or he may create monstrously immaculate concepts that express the scars and pains of organizational life as well as their apathies and indifferences, joys and excitements. I begin by tracing the disembodied deceptions of organizational analysis back through key figures in the history of philosophy and science. By probing into some of the scars and pores that incorporate this history, I then outline the main ingredients of analytical buggery.

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Praxeology and Critical Performativity in Management: A Review of Doctoral Research in Colombia (248)

Author/sAndres Fernando Zapata Ramirez Carlos Alberto Rodriguez-Romero

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsEpistemologypraxeologyaxiologyontologycritical performativity.

Abstract: The praxeology recognized by some theorists as the relevance of the results of the research process for managerial and academic practice, is evidenced by others as absent. The purpose of this paper is to propose an evaluation of the results of the research process in management considering the critical performativity, particularly in the "doctoral theses", from a reflexive approach as the epistemology of human sciences that allows to answer the question: How could the level of praxeology of the knowledge generated in the doctoral theses in administration in Colombia be evaluated? The research in management when approaching its object of study, collective action in the organisation, should minimize the spaces of doubt that exist between practice and academia so it can concentrate on offering valid management knowledge with adequate transfer to practitioners from a critical performativity.

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Do You Get The Picture A Review Of Top American And European Journals Embracement Of Visual Research. (333)

Author/sBill Lee Ivo De-Loo

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsJournalsvisual methodsvisual turn.

Abstract: This development paper has started to research questions about (i) whether American journals are more conservative than their European counterparts through a study of their respective embracement of visual methods and (ii) the nature of the visual turn.

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How Did I Feel? Research Participant Experiences Of Sharing Their Emotional Reflexivity For The Purpose Of Data Collection (474)

Author/sSophie Mills Amanda Lee

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsEmotional ReflexivityQualiative ResearchResearch ParticipantsQualitative Data Collection MethodsReflexivity in Research

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore research participant experiences of sharing their emotional reflexivity as part of a research process. We contribute to the study of reflexivity in research by offering an insight into the experiences of research participants in engaging with research methods designed to reveal their emotionally reflexive offerings, for the purpose of data collection and analysis.

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Sensemaking, Sensegiving and Sense-becoming in Conducting Elite Interviews in China (500)

Author/sHongqin Li William Harvey

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsElite leadersinterviewingsensemakingsensegivingsense-becomingChina

Abstract: This article examines challenges and strategies for conducting elite interviews in the corporate context of China. It draws on a cohort of 40 elite leaders across small and medium sized enterprises SMEs to large organizations. This article provides insights into addressing the relational and dynamic process of interviewing elite leaders for novice researchers in management and organization studies. The process is intertwined with sensemaking and sensegiving efforts by interviewers and interviewees in an iterative and reciprocal fashion, wherefrom the novices accrue sense in strategizing the subsequent interviews, a process we term sense becoming and co-positionality.

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Frozen in Time: Unfolding Experiences in Archival Process Data (764)

Author/sMegane Miralles Marc Benjamin Stierand Viktor Dorfler

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsArchival dataprocess theoryhistorical researchtimemethod

Abstract: This paper is a first step towards gaining a better understanding of how to methodologically work out the unfolding of experiences through using archival process data. In recent years, management and organization scholars have used archival data to identify temporal phases Bingham and Kahl, 2013, reveal the unfolding of these temporal observations in the data Jay, 2013, and compare them in terms of time series Lok and De Rond, 2013. We focus on eight qualitative research papers using archival process data that appeared in the seminal Special Research Forum on Process Studies of Change in Organization and Management published in 2013 in the Academy of Management Journal. We fully acknowledge that this is a narrow focus on the already existing and much larger literature on archival process data, but we argue that it is a legitimate starting point to address some of the pertinent questions still prevailing in this stream of research. Furthermore, we look at the eight selected papers through the lens of a qualitative research project on strategists working for Medecins Sans Frontieres MSF and their archived experiences amid extraordinarily complex and uncertain contexts such as the Genocide of Rwandan Tutsi in 1994. In doing so, we discuss our methodological struggle of unearthing the temporal changing of experiences in archival data. That is, how can we work out the processual unfolding of experiences in archival data

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Diffractive Methodologies: Feminist New Materialism and the Practice of Social Inquiry (1008)

Author/sNatasha Mauthner

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

Keywordsnew materialismdiffractive methodologyKaren Baradagential realism

Abstract: Emerging new materialist philosophies of science, as articulated in particular by feminist theorist and physicist Karen Barad, propose performative understandings of knowledge practices in which the latter are seen as constitutive of their objects of study. In this paper I draw on feminist new materialism, and the diffractive methodology associated with it, and consider its implications for social science methodology. I explore how this diffractive methodology reconfigures our philosophical understanding of research methods, and I propose four concepts practices for enacting this conceptualisation and practice metaphysical practices Mauthner 2016, the apparatus of bodily production Haraway 1988 Barad 2007, situated knowledge, Haraway 1988 and diffractive genealogies Mauthner 2016. I discuss the implications for research in business and management.

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From a Rational Managerialist to a Reflective Practitioner (1010)

Author/sGlyn Cartwright Caroline Susan Greeney Cole Murray Clark

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsRational ManagerialistReflective PractitionerHermeneutic Research

Abstract: This paper is in development.

It is a reflection on a DBA journey: the starting point and context of the study; DBA motivation; Philosophy and Research Design, the challenges encountered, and philosophical reflections.

In this paper we reflect on how our nature of being and experience informs our approach to DBA research and how we unsettle our view of the world in this area to decide on the most appropriate research approach.

An initial intent to apply a Rational Managerialist rules based research approach evolved into a Qualitative Hermeneutic study undertaken through the lens of a Reflexive Practitioner.

We consider the emotive search for a philosophical label and we reflect on how we derive confidence and authority in philosophical frameworks we choose to position our research.

The DBA context from which, this paper is born seeks to inform the Design, Development and Delivery of SME business programmes offered by Business Schools underpinned by insights into the current gaps in the relevance to SMEs of these programmes.

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The Use of Walking Interviews in Serious Leisure and Adventure Tourism Research (1022)

Author/sDavid Michael Brown Tom Mordue Chrysostomos Apostolidis

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

Keywordswalking interviewsserious leisureadventure tourismmobilities paradigmqualitative methodology

Abstract: Walking interviews have occasionally been used in the fields of urban ethnography, rescue geography, health, criminology and environmental studies, but not, curiously, in any major research into leisure and tourism. This paper explores the applicability and suitability of such a methodological approach to the study of walkers themselves, in this case, female hillwalkers. By focusing on a population which has often been marginalised and experienced barriers to participation, the approach is intended to be emancipatory in arming participants with a reflexive tool with which to challenge hegemony, but also archaeological in eliciting buried meanings and unconscious understandings of liminality, socio spatial power relations, and the embodied nature of their pursuits.

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Sustaining Each Other in Uncertain Times: The Role of Workplace Relationships (1080)

Author/sAnn Parkinson

Track: Research Methodology

Paper Type: Developmental Papers

KeywordsWorkplace relationshippersonal engagementdiary studiesdigital appqualitative

Abstract: This paper explores the role of workplace relationships in engagement and providing a supportive environment in the face of the challenging environment that organisations and individuals face. It draws on the personal engagement literature led by Kahns work 1990 linked to relational contexts Kahn and Heaphy, 2014, workplace friendship and relationships Kram and Isabella, 1985, Winstead et al, 1995 and focuses on how these can best be researched through qualitative methods and diary studies Balogun and Johnson, 2004, Breevaart and Tims, 2019 followed up by interviews. It reports on a research design that builds on Conner and Barretts discussion of a mix of methods for digital diaries, reflection and interviews to recognise different experiencing, remembering and believing selves required for different functions. Diary entries by the first participants will be by a digital app tailored for the study and launched in June to enable a report of initial experiences and findings in September.

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