2025 Conference

We are delighted to confirm the following sponsors and exhibitors for the BAM2025 Conference. We are thankful for their support and look forward to welcoming them to the Conference: 

X-CD Technologies
European Management Journal
The Case Centre
International Journal of Human Resource Management

Opportunities to Sponsor or Exhibit

At the British Academy of Management we share your desire to intelligently and positively respond to this rapidly changing environment and, so, this year the theme of our Annual Conference is:

On the Border: Management Challenges, Business Opportunities and Disrupted Institutional Contexts

 BAM’s 39th Annual Conference will be hosted by Kent Business School on the 1st September (virtual day) and 3rd - 5th September (in person). The Conference is chaired by Professor Patricia Lewis and Professor Thanos Papadopoulos. 

The main activity of the conference is the presentation and discussion of new research, complemented by high-profile keynote panels and interactive workshops, involving leading academics, practitioners and policymakers. 

This is the third year that the BAM conference will run in a hybrid format to allow authors to present their papers in an inclusive manner, whilst also creating networking opportunities for our community. In addition, some in-person programme elements such as keynote panels, will be live-streamed to our virtual audience. We expect over 1,000 participants from over 58 countries again. The conference will be run in real time, in person and online using a powerful platform (EventsAir) that offers many attractive features such as the ability to capture and follow up new leads and conduct live audience polling. There will also be an interactive and in-person (physical) exhibition hall and networking facility enabling delegates to connect with each other bringing virtual and in-person audiences together (one-to-one and in groups).  

Featuring academics and practitioners from over 58 countries, and a broad range of industries and perspectives, this conference is a perfect opportunity to promote your activities as a forward-thinking, engaged and collaborative player supporting the valuable insights shared. Covering topics such as mental health, equality and diversity and sustainability, this conference is progressive. These are challenges we all face and must respond to in a more informed way to make the transformation that is now needed.

If you are interested in sponsorship or exhibiting opportunities, please download our packages below:

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything in relation to these packages, please contact [email protected]