
Our series of BAM Fellows Masterclasses are delivered by prominent management academics from across the globe each year. These online webinars are an exceptional learning experience, revealing how top academics think about the world, what inspires them, and how they develop and apply their ideas. Where do influential ideas come from? What leads to them to being widely taken up?


Our series of BAM Fellows Masterclasses are delivered by prominent management academics from across the globe each year. These online webinars are an exceptional learning experience, revealing how top academics think about the world, what inspires them, and how they develop and apply their ideas. Where do influential ideas come from? What leads to them to being widely taken up?

During the Masterclasses, our highly renowned speakers explain how their academic and intellectual journeys begun, and how they developed as influential academics in management. There are also opportunities to ask questions and engage directly with the speakers.

BAM Masterclasses are free for BAM members and £50 for non-members. You can sign up to become a member from just £30.

For more information, please visit BAM Membership.

BAM Fellows Masterclass Series

Our series of BAM Masterclasses are delivered by prominent management theorists from across the globe each year. These online webinars are an exceptional learning experience, revealing how top academics think about the world, what inspires them, and how they develop and apply their ideas. Where do influential ideas come from? What leads to them to being widely taken up?

The Masterclasses provide a platform for attendees to deepen their understanding of key research topics and academic practices. Led by esteemed experts, these sessions are crafted to address the evolving needs of the academic community. The masterclasses foster a collaborative environment where participants can engage with cutting-edge insights, explore contemporary debates, and share best practices. Tailored to support the advancement of academic careers, the masterclasses enable participants to stay at the forefront of research and practice.

Upcoming Masterclasses



Confirmed Speaker 


Wednesday, 12th February,2025   

Theorising from Case Study Research in Management                                                                                    

Professor Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki FBAM, University of Vienna


2 Tuesday, 22nd April,2025  Career Ecosystem Theory: A Foundation for Sustainable Careers

Professor Yehuda Baruch FBAM, University of Southampton


3 Wednesday, 18th June, 2025 BAM Fellows Masterclass: Historical Approaches in Management Research

Professor Stephanie Decker FBAM, University of Birmingham


4 Date TBC Title TBC

Professor Catherine Wang FBAM, Brunel University London


Past Masterclasses




Confirmed Speaker 


Tuesday 30th January,2024 


International business agenda in an era of Polycrises

Professor Rosalie Tung FBAM Profile 



Tuesday 27th February 2024 


Business Models: Researching into, teaching about, and practising

Professor Charles Baden-Fuller FBAM Profile    


Tuesday 26th March 2024 


Curriculum isn’t enough: What relevant teaching means, how it feels, why it matters, and what it requires 

Professor Jean Bartunek FBAM Profile  



Tuesday 30th April 2024 


Key Challenges of Process Scholarship within and between Organisations

Professor Andrew Pettigrew FBAM Profile  



Tuesday 28th May 2024 


Equal opportunities but unequal mentoring: The perceptions of mentoring by Black and minority ethnic academics in the UK university sector 

Professor Emmanuel Ogbonna FBAM Profile 



Tuesday 25th June 2024 

The future of management education 

Professor Howard Thomas FBAM Profile


Masterclass Series 2023

7 February 2023 | Organisational becoming: Understanding organisational change as the non-deliberate effect of local practical coping action | Professor Robert Chia

29 March 2023 | Systems psychodynamics and the humanisation of organisation studies | Professor Jennifer Petriglieri

26 April 2023 | Sixty-five years of International Business Theory: Evolving Phenomena, Big Questions, and Grand Challenges | Professor Peter J Buckley OBE FBA

Professor Robert Chia

Professor Robert Chia

Research Professor of Management, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow

Professor Jennifer Petriglieri

Professor Jennifer Petriglieri

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour and INSEAD

Professor Peter J Buckley OBE FBA

Professor Peter J Buckley OBE FBA

Professor of International Business, University of Leeds


Masterclass Series 2022 - Speakers