Senior Career

In the British Academy of Management we embrace all career levels and stages, including those who have reached seniority and those who are not seeking additional seniority but who are settled in their career role and are looking to embrace other aspects of their work, such as service to the field or their university.

Our flagship Development Programme for Directors of Research (DPDoR), offered in collaboration with the Chartered Association of Business Schools, is available for those looking to move up to this type of role as well as our Development Programme for Leaders of Engagement (DPLoE), which has been designed for Leaders of Engagement, and those aspiring to the role, to develop their leadership and strategic capabilities to manage engagement performance, strategy, and funding in a rapidly changing engagement landscape.

We also run occasional events offering a view out beyond the normal confines of academic roles, such as ‘Reflections on the REF’ and ‘Business Schools and their Place in Society’.

***We acknowledge the helpful definitions of career stages in ‘Why academics attend conferences: An extended career self-management framework.’  Sanders, K., Kraimer, M., Greco, L., Morgeson, F., Budhwar, P., Sun, J., Shipton, H. & Sang, X. (accepted).  Human Resource Management Review