Staged by the BAM Management, Knowledge and Education Sub Committee this webinar is designed for all colleagues who are interested in publishing educational scholarship.
This webinar is designed for all colleagues, whether on an education-focused, research-focused or hybrid, career track who are themselves interested in publishing educational scholarship, who are supporting others in writing, and/or colleagues that are interested in understanding the different foci of a range of scholarship journals.
Over two decades ago, Atkinson (2001) asserted that educational scholarship, or SoTL, should aim to “transform the nature of … society toward our ideals of equality and justice” (p. 1217) while Hutchings et al (2011) suggested that “If students are to be adequately prepared … [institutions] must pay closer attention to the heart of the educational enterprise. … [SoTL] brings powerful new principles and practices … to help point the way (p. 3). However, despite such aspirations, academics trying to publish in the field of SoTL too often merely present examples of ‘good’ teaching of codified knowledge, rather than making a necessary original contribution to the knowledge of education. Concurrently, publishing educational scholarship risks not being seen as a worthwhile use of time and resources, “a fallback route to promotion for people with patchy research records” (Boshier, 2009, p.1)
We are delighted to be joined by colleagues from four key journals that we target in submitting scholarship: the British Academy of Management’s British Journal of Management (BJM), Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE), Management Learning, Journal of Management Education and Management Teaching Review.
These colleagues will examine with us such aspects as:
BAM Management Knowledge and Education
The event speaks to Sections B1, B2, (B3), E1, E2, E3 as detailed in the BAM Framework
Co-Editor-in-Chief, British Journal of Management
Co-Editor-in-Chief, British Journal of Management
Specialisms: Reflexivity, Learning, Knowledge, Practice, Collaboration, Leadership, Qualitative Methods
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Management Learning
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Management Learning
Decolonising the Business School Curriculum Keynote Panel
Monday 2nd September 2024
Martyna Sliwa is a Professor of Business Ethics and Organisation Studies as well as Associate Dean for Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability at Durham University Business School. She joined Durham University in January 2022. Prior to that, she worked – for a total of 20 years – at three different UK universities: University of Essex, Newcastle University and the University of Northumbria.
Contributing to the academic community has been a strong theme throughout her career. For a long time now, she has been actively involved in editorial work for a range of journals. She currently serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Management Learning. In addition, she is strongly committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in universities, and in particular in business schools. Since July 2020, she has been the Vice Chair of the British Academy of Management for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity.
In her research, she adopts an interdisciplinary, qualitative, humanities- and social sciences-based approach to studying management, organisations and the processes of organising. She is particularly interested in the multifaceted forms, intersections and implications of organisational diversity in the context of internationalisation and globalisation. Conceptually, her research has drawn from cultural studies, history, linguistics, literary theory, philosophy, sociology and translation studies. In recent years, the research projects she has been involved in have addressed the following areas: (1) languages, multilinguality and translation in organisations; (2) organisational diversity and inclusion, with a focus on gender and linguistic inclusion; (3) ethics of leadership; (4) global professional mobility and careers.
Finally, her teaching and supervision expertise covers a range of areas associated with business ethics and sustainability, management and organisation studies, and international management.Co-Editor, Journal of Management Education
Co-Editor, Journal of Management Education
Co-editor, Journal of Management Education
Co-editor, Journal of Management Education
Editor, Academy of Management Learning and Education
Editor, Academy of Management Learning and Education
Dirk Lindebaum is Senior Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management (France), and a Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta School of Business (Canada). He is curious about ‘values’ as meta-theme in his research, particularly in relation to theory building, learning, technology and emotions at work. His work regularly appears in journals of international distinction, such as the Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies and Human Relations. In addition, he is the author of the book 'Emancipation through Emotion Regulation' (Edward Elgar, 2017). Despite his theoretical pursuits, the practical relevance of his research is regularly recognized in news outlets, such as the Financial Times, New York Times, BBC Radio 5 Live, Wirtschaftswoche, Daily Mail, Independent, Fortune Magazine and Bloomberg Business Week. Furthermore, he has published several practitioner-focused articles in MIT Sloan Management Review, one of which has been accepted into the Honor Roll of the Responsible Research in Business and Management network as an indication that his research serves the larger good.
Co-Vice Chair: Management, Knowledge and Education
Co-Vice Chair: Management, Knowledge and Education
Kate Black is a Professor of Management Learning and Education at Northumbria University.
Following an early career as a Marine Ecologist at a Field Centre in rural Pembrokeshire, Kate moved into HR management (Recruitment and Development) within retail management. Her key role was to implement the recruitment and development strategy during a period when the branch was under considerable strain both locally in terms of staffing availability, and as a result of changing sales strategies.
Kate joined Northumbria Business School in Summer 2014 following 10 years at the University of Chester, latterly within Chester Business School. She currently holds the role of Director of Education within the Business School
Kate is also the Co-Vice Chair for the BAM Management, Knowledge and Education sub-committee.
Co-Vice Chair: Management, Knowledge and Education
Co-Vice Chair: Management, Knowledge and Education
Professor Ashley Roberts PhD is Professor of Organisatonal Behaviour at Warwick Business School and Assistant Dean (Internationalisation).
He has presented his research at many conferences, most recently at The Academy of Management, The British Academy of Management and also as a visiting scholar at Harvard University.
He researches organisational culture, shared leadership, creative learning and participatory pedagogies, publishing in a range of journals including The Leadership Quarterly, British Journal of Management, and Work, Employment and Society.
Ashley is Director, Trustee and Executive Team Member for The British Academy of Management where he both formulates and implements strategic international policy. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, an Academic Member of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, plus a Member of The International Centre for Research in Organisational Discourse, Strategy and Change.
He is a National Teaching Fellow, a winner of The Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence and is a Fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy. Ashley also holds Visiting Professorships at leading global institutions and is External MBA Examiner to a Russell Group University. He is an editorial board member of the journal The British Journal of Management and reviews for top ranked academic journals.
Ashley gained a PhD from Cardiff University where he also previously taught on a variety of courses at Cardiff Business School. Ashley teaches on Undergraduate, Warwick MBA and Master's level courses. He is the internal examiner on the Organisational Behaviour Executive variant of the Warwick MBA (London), Leading Global Organisations (Dubai) and Strategic Luxury Leadership (Venice).
He has taught Organisational Behaviour MBA Modules in Brussels, Chile, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai and Venice. Each year Ashley wins an award for his outstanding contribution to Undergraduate teaching and he also receives the Warwick Business School Outstanding MBA Teacher Award annually.
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