BAM MKE "How To" Series: Publishing Scholarship of Education and Teaching

Staged by the BAM Management, Knowledge and Education Sub Committee this webinar is designed for all colleagues who are interested in publishing educational scholarship.

This webinar is designed for all colleagues, whether on an education-focused, research-focused or hybrid, career track who are themselves interested in publishing educational scholarship, who are supporting others in writing, and/or colleagues that are interested in understanding the different foci of a range of scholarship journals.

Over two decades ago, Atkinson (2001) asserted that educational scholarship, or SoTL, should aim to “transform the nature of … society toward our ideals of equality and justice” (p. 1217) while Hutchings et al (2011) suggested that “If students are to be adequately prepared … [institutions] must pay closer attention to the heart of the educational enterprise. … [SoTL] brings powerful new principles and practices … to help point the way (p. 3).  However, despite such aspirations, academics trying to publish in the field of SoTL too often merely present examples of ‘good’ teaching of codified knowledge, rather than making a necessary original contribution to the knowledge of education.  Concurrently, publishing educational scholarship risks not being seen as a worthwhile use of time and resources, “a fallback route to promotion for people with patchy research records” (Boshier, 2009, p.1)

We are delighted to be joined by colleagues from four key journals that we target in submitting scholarship: the British Academy of Management’s British Journal of Management (BJM), Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE), Management Learning, Journal of Management Education and Management Teaching Review.

These colleagues will examine with us such aspects as:

  • What does a scholarship of education publication look like?
  • What does a scholarship of education publication look like within the different journals?
  • Why does educational scholarship matter?
  • Top tips for successfully publishing with the different journals


Provider Information

BAM Management Knowledge and Education 


Who Should Attend?

The event speaks to Sections B1, B2, (B3), E1, E2, E3 as detailed in the BAM Framework 


Professor Paul Hibbert

Professor Paul Hibbert

Co-Editor-in-Chief, British Journal of Management

Prof Martyna Sliwa

Prof Martyna Sliwa

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Management Learning

Professor Jennifer Leigh

Professor Jennifer Leigh

Co-Editor, Journal of Management Education

Melanie Robinson

Melanie Robinson

Co-editor, Journal of Management Education

Professor Dirk Lindebaum

Professor Dirk Lindebaum

Editor, Academy of Management Learning and Education

Chaired by 
Professor Kate Black

Professor Kate Black

Co-Vice Chair: Management, Knowledge and Education

Professor Ashley Roberts

Professor Ashley Roberts

Co-Vice Chair: Management, Knowledge and Education


Benefits of attending 
  • Provides an opportunity for you to meet with, and ask questions of, journal Editors
  • Offers an opportunity for you to better understand the different foci of different types of journals that publish educational scholarship
  • Learn about the foci of the different journals to better enable you to understand which journal to position your work in
  • Better understand the reviewing process in order to hone your understanding of publishing educational scholarship



Please contact the BAM Office at [email protected] with any queries.  


Event Fee 
  • BAM Members: Free 
  • Non-Members: £30
If you are booking multiple paid events as a Non-Member, it may be cheaper for you to purchase a BAM Membership as nearly all BAM Events are free or at a discounted rate for Members.

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Registration closes on 10th of February 2025 at 23:59 UK time

Payment and Cancellation Policy

Payment for the event must be received before the start date of the event concerned. Access will not be permitted to the event if full payment has not been received. 


  • Cancellations received within 14 days of booking your place on the event will receive a full refund. 

  • Cancellations received after the 14-day cancellation period and later than 14 days before the start date of the event will not be eligible for a refund.  

  • Although we endeavour to run all events as advertised, BAM reserves the right to cancel any event if, for example, there are not enough people to justify running the event or if other significant unforeseen circumstances arise.

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  • Go to your BAM Account
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