Our Research-Oriented Professor programme is designed to offer support and provide guidance for members of our community at mid-career stage for whom Research is a core element.
Our Research-Oriented Professor programme is designed to offer support and provide guidance for members of our community at mid-career stage for whom Research is a core element (speaks to Sections A2, D2 and E2 of the BAM Framework).
Mid-career is defined as the time after one has mastered the fundamentals of what is required for effectiveness, is ready to seek the next set of challenges……before one starts to prepare for retirement (Baldwin et al., 2014).
Although individuals at mid-career stage perform key roles for their institutions beyond, and represent the largest career group within our community, there has been limited support available in supporting colleagues who aspire to becoming a Professor with a particular focus on research.
The programme will explore the variety of career journeys, barriers and pivot points in a swiftly changing research policy and funding environment.
This programme is in-person only. The two sessions will be held on 25th April and 7th June 2022 at Birkbeck, University of London:
10:00 Welcome to the Programme and Introduction to the BAM Framework
10:30 Developing a career strategy
11:30 Creating an academic identity
12:30 Discussion
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Building your publication pipeline
15:00 Developing sustained research funding
16:00 Conclusions and next steps
16:30 Close
10:00 Welcome and recap - progress since last session
10:30 Building national and international networks and profile
11:30 Maximising impact on policy and practice
12:30 Discussion
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Developing as a leader; Nurturing and supporting junior scholars; Exercise/discussion
15:30 Conclusions and strategy development
16:00 Close
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean, Oxford Brookes Business School
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean, Oxford Brookes Business School
Professor Tim Vorley is Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Oxford Brookes Business School and leads on Entrepreneurship and Enterprise cross the University. His research is on entrepreneurship, enterprise and regional economic development. He works extensively with government departments and has been involved in a number of projects examining the impact of Covid-19 on small and micro businesses.
Tim has led and participated in several large projects funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Innovate UK, UK Research & Innovation (UKRI), and Horizon Europe. He currently leads the Innovation Caucus funded by ESRC and Innovate UK, was Co-Director of the ESRC funded Productivity Insights Network, and PI of the NextGenPSF project funded by UKRI to accelerate AI Readiness in law and accountancy firms.
Tim is a member of the ESRC Strategic Advisory Network, the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Skills and Talent Advisory Group, and chairs the ESRC’s Transforming Business through Social Science advisory group. He is also the Vice-Chair of the Small Business Charter, created by Lord Young, which is leading the delivery of the Help to Grow Management programme through business schools across the UK.
Tim is also Vice-Chair of the Small Business Charter, created by Lord Young to recognise business schools that play an effective role in supporting small businesses and student entrepreneurship.
Chair in Work and Diversity, University of York Management School
Chair in Work and Diversity, University of York Management School
Professor Anne-marie Greene holds a Chair in Work and Diversity at the University of York Management School. She is Knowledge Exchange/Impact Lead and Interim Deputy Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead, with responsibility for Athena Swan.
She joined the University of York in November 2021 and has held previous academic posts at the University of Leicester School of Business (where she was Associate Dean for Research), De Montfort University, University of Warwick, University of Aston and University of North London. She is Chair of the Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism (SCOS) and Co-Convenor of the Gender and Employment Study Group of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA). She has held editorial positions on the boards of Gender, Work and Organisation; Work, Employment and Society; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Industrial Relations Journal.
Professor Greene researches equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in theory and practice. A particular research interest is the interface between work, life, family and community, especially where a sense of calling, mission or activism is required. This often concerns areas of work that stand outside of the standard employment relationship and which are less formally regulated, bringing with them challenges of management policy and practice and issues of inequality. Current research projects include WomenTheatreJustice-An investigation of Clean Break (www.womentheatrejustice.org) funded by the AHRC and Working with Emotions in Volunteering Toolkit (www.managingvolunteers.org) funded by the ESRC.
New book: The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion: A Critical Approach (2022: Routledge). New article: ‘“They can replace you at any time!" (In)Visible Hyper-Ableism, Employment and Sickle Cell Disorders in England' (2021, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research).
New article: ‘Locked up and down: Incarceration, care and art in a pandemic’ (2022, Gender, Work and Organization)
Professor of Organizational Analysis, Cardiff Business School
Professor of Organizational Analysis, Cardiff Business School
Rick Delbridge is Professor of Organizational Analysis at Cardiff Business School and co-convenor of the Centre for Innovation Policy Research, Cardiff University. He has previously been Associate Dean for Research for the Business School and the University’s Dean of Research, Innovation & Enterprise. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of Research in the Sociology of Work and was previously an editor of Academy of Management Review and Organization. He was the founding co-editor of JMSSays. His main project currently is the design and delivery of a £10M Challenge Fund for Cardiff Capital Region.
Programme Facilitator, BAM Performance Management
Programme Facilitator, BAM Performance Management
Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Ming-Ai (London) Institute and is responsible for the strategic direction of Ming-Ai. He is a founding Dean of the School of Management and Leadership, and Vice Provost at Elite Innovation College Cambridge. He is an adjunct Professor with the University of Wales, Trinity St David where he supervises research students.
BAM Fellow, DanCap Chair of Innovation and Head of DAN Management, University of Essex and Western University in Canada
BAM Fellow, DanCap Chair of Innovation and Head of DAN Management, University of Essex and Western University in Canada
In addition to his role at Essex Professor Geoffrey Wood is DanCap Chair of Innovation and Head of DAN Management at Western University in Canada. Previously, he served as Dean and Professor of International Business, at Essex Business School and before then as Professor of International Business at Warwick Business School, UK. He has authored/co-authored/edited eighteen books, and over one hundred and eighty articles in peer-reviewed journals. He has an H-index of 41, and an i10 Index of 163. He holds honorary positions at Griffith and Monash University in Australia, and at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Geoff's research interests centre on the relationship between institutional setting, corporate governance, firm finance, and firm level work and employment relations. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and a Fellow of the British Academy of Management, and is also in receipt of an Honorary Doctorate in economics from Aristotle University, Greece. Geoffrey Wood is Editor in Chief of the British Journal of Management, Official Journal of the British Academy of Management (BAM), and is Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Perspectives, Official Journal of the Academy of Management (US), as well as of Human Resource Management. He also serves on the BAM Council. He is also Co-Editor of the Annals of Corporate Governance. He is also editor of the Chartered ABS Journal Ranking list, and International Reviewer of the ABDC Journal Guide. He has had numerous research grants, including funding councils (e.g. ESRC), government departments (e.g. US Department of Labour; UK Department of Works and Pensions), charities (e.g. Nuffield Foundation), the labour movement (e.g. the ITF) and the European Union.
Professor of Business Ethics, Durham University Business School
Professor of Business Ethics, Durham University Business School
Martyna Śliwa is Professor of Business Ethics and Associate Dean for Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability at Durham University Business School UK.
Her research focuses on diversity, inclusivity and intersectionality in organizations, language differences and their effects on organizational hierarchies and power relations.
She is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Management Learning and the Vice-Chair for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity for BAM.
President, IFSAM
President, IFSAM
Professor Nic Beech is Vice-Chancellor of Middlesex University having previously been a Vice-Principal of the University of St Andrews, Provost of the University of Dundee and Lead Fellow of the ESRC Advanced Institute of Management. He is a former President of the British Academy of Management, Hon. Treasurer of the Academy of Social Sciences, Chair of the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment, Chair of AccessHE and on the board of the UK Quality Assurance Agency, London Higher and the Chartered Management Institute Race Network.
He has a particular interest in the role of education in social mobility and economic participation, and in inclusive innovation. His research focused on identity, diversity, change leadership and learning and he has held visiting chairs in the UK, Europe and Australia. Nic has been awarded fellowships or companionships of the British Academy of Management, the Academy of Social Sciences, the Royal Society of Arts, the Chartered Management Institute, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management.
Professor Beech begins his term as President of International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM) at the beginning of 2025.
Professor of Leadership and Organisational Chamge, Cranfield University
Professor of Leadership and Organisational Chamge, Cranfield University
David is a leading authority on organizational resilience and leading change with over 20 years of experience gained in academia, industry and consultancy. He is Professor of Leadership and Organisational Change and Strategic Business Director at Cranfield School of Management and leads the Cranfield University multi-disciplinary Resilience Grand Challenge.
David is Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Fellow of the British Academy of Management, Fellow of the CIPD, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Advanced Institute for Management Research and Fellow of the Centre for Evidence-based Management.
David’s academic papers have been cited more than 20,000 times on Google Scholar and he delivers keynotes at high-profile international conferences. Both the Academy of Social Sciences and the Economic and Social Research Council have showcased David’s work as an exemplar of excellence in research impact.
Deputy Dean, College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences at Brunel University London
Deputy Dean, College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences at Brunel University London
Ashley Braganza is a Deputy Dean of the College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences at Brunel University London. The College incorporates Brunel Business School, Brunel Law School, Department of Economics and Finance, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Arts and Humanities and the Department of Education. He holds the Chair in Organisational Transformation in the Business School.
He is the Director of Brunel’s Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Programme Director of the Masters in AI Strategy. His research interests encompass artificial intelligence, big data, change management, strategy implementation, process and knowledge management, and transformation enabled information systems. He has published over 100 papers in prestigious academic and practitioner journals and three books. He is the Founder of the British Academy of Management Special Interest Group in Transformation, Change and Development. He has carried out over 50 consultancy assignments with large global organisations.
BAM Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building Group
BAM Members: £500 for all sessions
Non-Members: £580 for all sessions. This includes a BAM membership.
The programme will be held in the following venue on both dates:
Russell Square Building,
Birkbeck, University of London,
Malet Street,
Please visit Birkbeck, University of London's webpage for further details on how to travel to the venue here: https://www.bbk.ac.uk/maps
The building is number 6 on the map: https://www.bbk.ac.uk/downloads/maps/central-london.pdf
Registrations close on Monday 18th April 2022 at 16:00 UK time.