The programme will explore the variety of career journeys, barriers and pivot points in a swiftly changing research policy and funding environment. Session 3 will take place on 2 March 2021.
Our newly launched Research-Oriented Professor programme is designed to offer support and provide guidance for members of our community at mid-career stage for whom Research is a core element (speaks to Sections A2, D2 and E2 of the BAM Framework).
The final session of the programme on Research Funding will take place remotely via Zoom on the 2nd March from 14:00 - 17:00.
There will be opportunity for debate and dialogue with these leading scholars and delegates are invited to share questions in advance if they wish for the panel to consider.
Upon completion of the programme, you will receive a certificate confirming successful participation.
Mid-career is defined as the time after one has mastered the fundamentals of what is required for effectiveness, is ready to seek the next set of challenges……before one starts to prepare for retirement (Baldwin et al., 2014).
Although individuals at mid-career stage perform key roles for their institutions beyond, and represent the largest career group within our community, there has been limited support available in supporting colleagues who aspire to becoming a Professor with a particular focus on research.
The programme will explore the variety of career journeys, barriers and pivot points in a swiftly changing research policy and funding environment.
10:00 Welcome to the Programme and Introduction to the BAM Framework
10:30 Developing a career strategy
11:30 Creating an academic identity
12:30 Discussion
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Building your publication pipeline
15:00 Developing sustained research funding
16:00 Conclusions and next steps
16:30 Close
BAM Members: £500 for all sessions
Please note, this event is only open to BAM members. If you are not a member and would like to attend, please register as a member before you book your ticket.
Please find reflections on the Becoming a Research-Oriented Professor Programme from the programme facilitator, Professor Helen Shipton at the following link: A word from the facilitator
You can view a useful blog by Professor Will Harvey, University of Exeter Business School on his reflections on 'Becoming a Research-Professor'
This programme will be delivered online. Joining details will be sent to you at least 48 hours prior to the start of each session from our British Academy of Management Zoom Account.
Session 3 keynote speakers:
Professor in Strategy and Associate Dean for Research, Aston Business School
Professor in Strategy and Associate Dean for Research, Aston Business School
Nicholas O'Regan, is Professor in Strategy at Aston Business School and Associate Dean for Research. After completing his PhD in Strategy and Leadership at Middlesex University, he has held appointments as Professor of Strategy at Middlesex University, Professor of Strategy, Enterprise, and Innovation at Bristol Business School and until 2019 was Associate Dean - Research and Innovation for the Faculty of Business and Law at UWE Bristol. He began his career in the public sector as the youngest local authority and harbour board chief executive in Ireland. He then undertook further post-graduate studies in the UK, after which he held chief officer positions in UK local government heading departments ranging from economic development, industrial development, and strategic planning. Nicholas is an experienced strategist, bridge builder, business broker and entrepreneur, comfortable in both academic and business environments and with a depth of experience of operating in a fluid, complex and challenging environment. Throughout his career, he has inspired, led and managed teams of all types and sizes. He is adept at working with all levels of management and able to upload and download information key to the smooth running of an organisation with discretion, understanding and gravitas.
Co-Vice Chair: Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building
Co-Vice Chair: Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building
David Sarpong is Professor of Strategy and the Marketing and Strategy Subject Group Head at Aston Business School, Aston University. An elected Vice Chair of the British Academy of Management (BAM), David serves on the BAM Council’s Sub-Committee of Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building (AACCB), and is a former Convenor of the Annual Doctoral Symposium of the Academy. A Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, David has since 2015 conducted research on Russia's Basic Research Program (RBRP) on 'Global Competitiveness’ at the National Research University in Moscow. He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Strategy and Management, and currently enjoys a Visiting Professorship at the Bristol Business School, and an Honorary Research Fellowship at the School of Management, Information Technology, and Public Governance, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.
Professor of Public Management, The University of Warwick
Professor of Public Management, The University of Warwick
Graeme has always been concerned to generate a virtuous relationship between research income, building capacity amongst those that work with him to progress their academic careers, publication outputs, and most importantly impacting health and social care challenges. His work is thus necessarily interdisciplinary, particularly reaching across to clinical academics with whom he loves working, and collaborative with NHS and social care organisations. This has allowed him to draw down significant funding to support large scale research, including that associated with successive rounds of translational health research centres called CLAHRCs/ARCs funded by the National Institute of Health Research and leading a succession of studies funded by the National Institute of Health Research, and most recently the ESRC EXIT Study, focused upon delivery of care at different ends of the age spectrum, children and frail older patients. Increasingly, associated with this, he has engaged in large scale funded international studies, for example in India and Australia. While policy and practice impact represents his main priority, he continues to publish in leading journals, in business and management, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Organization Studies, in public administration, such as Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, and in health services, such as Social Science and Medicine, Implementation Science. Nevertheless, informed by work experience in his pre-academic life, Graeme remains essentially a practical person.
Professor of Public Leadership, Open University
Professor of Public Leadership, Open University
Jean has contributed to the field of public leadership and management for two decades through research, teaching and development work. This has shaped some of the thinking and ideas in the field for example about the value and use of political astuteness skills among public servants, about the interplay between political and managerial leadership, and about the leadership of innovation in public services. She has joined The Open University Business School from Warwick Business School where she was Professor of Organisational Analysis and co-founded the Institute of Governance and Public Management. Speaker Profile
Deputy Director of Impact and Innovation, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Deputy Director of Impact and Innovation, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Melanie Knetsch is the Deputy Director of Impact and Innovation. She leads on ESRC strategic knowledge exchange and innovation activities to ensure that the research portfolio is visible to potential users as well as creating opportunities for researchers to undertake impact-led activities. Speaker Profile
Professor of Organisational Behaviour, University of East Anglia
Professor of Organisational Behaviour, University of East Anglia
Kevin Daniels is Professor of Organisational Behaviour and led the Work, Learning and Wellbeing evidence programme for the Economic and Social Research Council funded What Works Wellbeing Centre, and a project on workplace wellbeing and productivity, also funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Speaker Profile
Provider Information
British Academy of Management
Please contact the BAM team at [email protected] with any queries.