Conceptualising and researching gender: A methods workshop

Gender and management research is challenging, concerned with deeply embedded social issues and structural inequalities. The aim of this workshop is to examine critically how we conceptualise gender, and to discuss diverse methods for researching it.


Context: Gender and management research is challenging, concerned with deeply embedded social issues and structural inequalities. Conducted in a wide range of geographical and organisational contexts and approached from individual, organisational and social levels of analysis, gender and management scholars therefore require methods that can get under the surface of the everyday. While the workshop is focused on gender, we anticipate that discussions will cover the significance of issues of intersectionality when researching social injustice.

Aim: Within this context, the aim of this workshop is twofold. First to examine critically how we conceptualise gender, and second to discuss diverse methods for researching it.

Learning objectives:
• To discover a range of research methods available to gender and management scholars.
• To better understand gender as a complex, dynamic and socially constructed phenomenon.
• To better understand how and where to apply particular research methods when examining gender and social injustice issues within the field of management and organisation studies
• To identify areas of gender and management research that could benefit from the application of diverse research methods
• To identify the potential for further gender and management research methods workshops


Provider Information

BAM Gender in Management SIG


Who Should Attend?

The event speaks to Sections A1 and A2, as detailed in the BAM Framework 


Professor Anne Laure Humbert

Professor Anne Laure Humbert

Professor of Gender and Diversity, Oxford Brookes University

Dr Elisabeth Anna Guenther

Dr Elisabeth Anna Guenther

Postdoctoral University Assistant, University of Vienna, Secretary BAM Gender in Management SIG

Dr Mark Gatto

Dr Mark Gatto

Lecturer in Critical Organisation Studies, Northumbria University

Professor Jamie Callahan

Professor Jamie Callahan


Prof Juanita Johnson-Bailey, University of Georgia

Chaired by 
Professor Valerie Stead

Professor Valerie Stead

Professor in Leadership and Management, Lancaster University Management School

Professor Carole Elliott
Professor Sharon Mavin

Professor Sharon Mavin

Professor of Leadership and Organisation Studies, Newcastle University Business School


Benefits of attending 
  • Opportunity to engage in critically reflective discussions with other gender and management scholars on the conceptualisation of gender
  • Detailed introduction to a research method, its application and ethical implications
  • Opportunity to identify areas of research that would benefit from the research methods introduced including applicability to their own areas of interest



Please contact the BAM Office at events[email protected] with any queries.  


Event Fee 

BAM Members: Free 

BAM Student Members: Free 

Non-Members: £25

Non-Members, Students: £15
