Event description

Join us for a two-day Festival of Engaged Scholarship at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Our Festival is an exciting opportunity to hear from experienced Engaged Scholars and join the community of practice that the Engaged Scholarship Learning Lab is developing with the British Academy of Management (BAM) and the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE).

Engaged Scholarship is the process of identifying research problems and addressing them with stakeholders (Van de Ven, 2007; 2011). Come along to our Festival to hear how impactful ESRC-funded researchers caught stakeholder attention, co-designed projects, mobilised evidence or co-created innovation. And, how they have developed engaged research centres or created impact over time.

Join us in-person in Manchester for two days of plenaries, workshops and a Festival Dinner. As we are building a community of practice, we want to sustain joint learning. So, please sign up to our whole two-day event. The main event ends after lunch at 2pm on 21st July. If you are an Early Career Researcher, there is a special workshop for you in the afternoon ending at 4pm. Please note that we are encouraging in-person networking and so virtual attendance is not possible.

The ESRC is funding the conference itself but delegates need to organise and fund their own transport and accommodation.

Conference Venue: Brooks Building, Manchester Metropolitan University, 53 Bonsall St, Hulme, Manchester M15 6GX

Provider Information

BAM is pleased to be working in partnership with the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) to promote the Engaged Scholarship Learning Lab.

Festival of Engaged Scholarship image

Festival of Engaged Scholarship image


Wednesday 20th July

10.30 - Registration and Tea and Coffee

11.00 - Opening Plenary - Confirmed speakers include:

  • Prof Julia Rouse, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of the Good Employment Learning Lab (GELL) and Dr Helen Woolnough, Co-Lead, the Engaged Scholarship Learning Lab, Manchester Metropolitan University.
  • Prof Emma Parry, incoming Chair of the British Academy of Management (BAM), Cranfield University.
  • Prof Colin Lindsay, Director of the Productivity Outcomes of Workplace Practice, Engagement & Learning (PrOPEL) Hub, Strathclyde University.
  • Prof Carol Atkinson, Lead, the Adult Social Care Learning Lab and Prof Ben Lupton, Lead, the Greater Manchester Learning Lab, Manchester Metropolitan University.

12.30-14.00 - Networking Lunch  

14.00-15.30 - Workshops – Confirmed speakers include:

  • Translating evidence and helping concepts to travel – Prof Roman Kislov, Director of Decent Work and Productivity Research Centre, Manchester Metropolitan University; Dr Nicola Murray and Dr Helen Fitzhugh, PrOPEL Hub.
  • Collaborating and co-creating innovation – Prof Monder Ram, Director of the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME), Aston University.
  • Becoming the Go-To Expert: Developing Impact Across Methods and Years – Prof Colin Mason, University of Glasgow and Prof Cathy Parker, Co-Chair of the Institute of Place Management (IPM), Manchester Metropolitan University.

15.30 - Tea and Coffee

16.00-17.00 - Plenary

Institutionalising approaches to knowledge exchange by developing research centres - Prof Monder Ram, Director of the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME), Aston University and Profs Stephen Roper and Mark Hart, Enterprise Research Centre, Universities of Warwick and Aston.

18.00-22.00 - Drinks Reception and Networking Dinner with activist and scholar Prof Helen Pankhurst


Thursday 21 July 

9.00 – Tea and Coffee 

9.30 – Plenary

Engaging Policy Makers: Experience From Three Sides - Prof Ashwin Kumar, Manchester Metropolitan University, (formerly Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Senior Economist in the Treasury).

10.00 - Workshops – Confirmed speakers include:

  • Evaluating what works –Prof Steve Morris, Policy Evaluation Research Unit (PERU), Manchester Metropolitan University and Dr Katie Willocks, the Good Employment Learning Lab (GELL).
  • Engaging via quantitative evidence – Prof Richard Kneller and Associate Prof Cher Li, University of Nottingham.
  • Mobilising the evidence base: using rapid and state of the art evidence reviews – Prof Chris Fox, Director of the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU), Manchester Metropolitan University.

11.30-12.00 - Tea and Coffee 

12.00-13.00 – Closing Plenary – Confirmed speakers include:

Prof Kevin Daniels, What Works Centre for Wellbeing, University of East Anglia.

13.00-14.00 - Lunch 

14.00-16.00 - Early Career Researcher (ECR) Workshop