Gender, Activism and Feminist Movements

Pre-existing intersectional inequalities have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, revealing the full extent of gendered, raced, and classed hierarchies and oppressions of labour and work. Our dialogue will bring to the fore an intersectional perspective on gender, activism, and social movements and unpack the political intersectional complexities of gender, race, and class.


Pre-existing intersectional inequalities have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, revealing the full extent of gendered, raced, and classed hierarchies and oppressions of labour and work. Within political discourse, political economy, workplaces, and neoliberal universities, hetero-patriarchal capitalist colonial logics and (ir)rationalities reinforce intersectional women and feminised subjects as ‘othered’. Our bodies are often devalued, voices silenced, struggles discounted, and wisdoms and knowledges elided.

To make visible these feminised, affective knowledges, stories, and wisdoms, this roundtable conversation (re)imagines a post-COVID world of imaginaries, materialities and futurities which centre knowledges of women and feminised subjects. Strategies, pedagogies and processes already at work in feminist and feminised movements are discussed to unlearn dynamics of hetero-patriarchal capitalist coloniality to create spaces for women and feminised peoples’ solidarity and kinship building, and activism and action for alternative futures.

Our dialogue will bring to the fore an intersectional perspective on gender, activism, and social movements and unpack the political intersectional complexities of gender, race, and class. The immediate questions addressed are: why do activism and feminist movements matter? What are the challenges to activism and feminist movements? How can feminist movements thrive? How might feminised politics/praxis contribute to post-covid futurities that foster well-being and counter rising neo-fascism?


Provider Information

BAM Gender in Management SIG


Who Should Attend?

The event speaks to Sections A, B, C and D, as detailed in the BAM Framework 



Dr Nela Smolović Jones is the director of the Gendered Organisational Practice research cluster at the Open University, where she is also a Lecturer in Organisation Studies, and is Associate Editor of the journal Gender, Work and Organization. Her research focuses on advancing gender equality within organisations and society. Specifically, she has explored how feminist solidarity and democratic forms of organising are achieved in practice. She is also interested in the experiences of women in precarious work, how their surplus labour is exploited and how they organise against this. Finally, her research works towards uncovering the dynamics of gendered forms of organisational corruption.

Associate Professor Sara C. Motta is a proud Mestiza-salvaje of Colombia-Chibcha/Muisca, Eastern European Jewish and Celtic linages currently living, loving and resisting on the unceded lands of the Awabakal and Worimi peoples, NSW, so called Australia. She is mother, survivor of state and intimate violences, poet, political theorist, popular educator, and Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle, NSW. Sara has worked for over two decades with raced and feminised communities in struggle resistances/re-existencias in, against and beyond heteronormative capitalist-coloniality in Europe, Latin America and Australia. She has co-created numerous projects of radical healing and community wellbeing in resistance to the colonial-patriarchal state and its juridical violent containments and published widely in academic and activist-community outlets. Her latest book (2018) Liminal Subjects: Weaving (Our) Liberation (Rowman and Littlefield) winner of the 2020 best Gender Theory and Feminist Book, International Studies Associate (ISA).

Professor Alison Pullen was born and raised in Wales. She lives on the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, often known as Sydney, land that remains unceded. A feminist researcher employed by Macquarie University, Australia, Alison is Co-Editor of Gender, Work and Organization. Alison has just finished a short book titled Corporeal Ethics. The last books she read were The Care Manifesto: the Politics of Interdependence (Care Collective); Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto (Arruzza, Bhattacharya & Fraser); and Revolution at Point Zero (Federici).

Chaired by 

Amal Abdellatif, Northumbria University

Prof Alessia Contu, University of Massachusetts Boston  


Benefits of attending 
  • gain insight into why activism and feminist movements matter 
  • participate in discussion about the challenges to activism and feminist movements
  • listen to diverse experiences and views about how feminist movements can thrive
  • engage with expert researchers to discuss how feminised politics/praxis might contribute to post-covid futurities that foster well-being and counter rising neo-fascism



Please contact the BAM Office at e[email protected] with any queries.  


Event Fee 

BAM Members: Free 

BAM Student Members: Free 

Non-Members: £25

Non-Members, Students: £15
