GIM Doctoral Students Virtual Coffee Meet & Greet

The Gender in Management SIG doctoral representatives would like to host a virtual coffee meet over zoom to get a chance to meet and network with other doctoral students who have an interest in gender in management research.


The GIMSIG doctoral representatives would like to host a virtual coffee meet over zoom to get a chance to meet and network with other doctoral students who have an interest in gender in management research.

This session will start off with the GIMSIG representatives introducing themselves and the aim of the session. Then the participants will get a chance to introduce themselves and their research. Depending on the number of participants, breakout rooms will be used so that the participants have the chance to get to know each other personally. The session will conclude by the GIMSIG representatives opening the floor for discussions on how best to support the doctoral community through different activities and workshops.


Provider Information

BAM Gender in Management Special Interest Group 


Who Should Attend?

The event speaks to Section E1, as detailed in the BAM Framework



This event will be facilitated by the two GIMSIG Doctoral Student Representatives:

  • Shreya Roy Choudhury, University of Manchester
  • Ebru Calin, University of Liverpool 


Benefits of attending 
  • Networking
  • Doctoral community building
  • Facilitation of EDIR regarding different individuals and various approaches and perspectives on gender in research



Please contact the BAM Office at [email protected] with any queries.  


Event Fee 

This is a free event and for Gender in Management SIG Student Members only

To become a BAM student member for £25 and for further information on the benefits of becoming a member, please click here


Booking Deadline

Registrations close on 1st November 2022 at 23:59 UK time