IOC PhD Conference Pre-Submission Workshop

In preparation for BAM Conference 2022, the IOC SIG is keen to support PhD candidates in submitting either a full or developmental paper to the IOC Track.


In preparation for BAM Conference 2022, the IOC SIG is keen to support PhD candidates in submitting either a full or developmental paper to the IOC Track. To encourage applicants, this online PhD Pre-Submission Workshop will be structured around interactive and developmental discussions of potential submissions and expectations and should enhance early career development. Applicants will need to pre-register (by January 5) and provide an outline of their work. This should be at least a 2-page outline of the proposal or a draft of a paper in process that will be used in workshop.

Please submit your outline or draft of a paper by filling in the following form, outline submission form by 23:59 on 5 January 2022.


Who Should Attend?

Please note, this event is only open to PhD candidates.


Benefits of Attendance
  • Advice on submitting academic papers to a conference
  • Friendly and developmental feedback on scholarly outputs
  • Networking with academic and PhD candidates from other institutions



Dr Elizabeth Alexander (Chair)

Dr Sanne Bor

Dr Sanne Bor

Researcher, LUT School of Business and Management

Dr Claudio de Mattos

Dr Claudio de Mattos

Senior Lecturer in Management, University of Huddersfield



For general enquiries please contact the BAM Office at [email protected]  

Event Fee 

BAM Student Members: Free

Non-BAM Student Members: Free
