Leadership concepts, crises, and conundrums

Leadership studies is a field that thrives on concepts. How do these concepts emerge and what kind of influence do they have on leader behaviour?


Leadership studies is a field that thrives on concepts: transformational leadership, ethical leadership, relational leadership and so on. These concepts are derived from academic research but come to influence real-world practice. How do these concepts emerge and what kind of influence do they have on leader behaviour? Why do some concepts gain tractions while others fall to the wayside? What happens when the rhetoric of leadership concepts fails to live up to the reality? These are some questions that we will be exploring in this webinar. The webinar will involve short presentations and discussion.


Provider Information

BAM Leadership and Leadership Development SIG


Who Should Attend?

The event speaks to Sections A1, A2 and C1, as detailed in the BAM Framework 


Dr Nick Butler

Dr Nick Butler

Associate Professor, Stockholm University Business School

Prof Jackie Ford

Prof Jackie Ford

Professor of Leadership and Organisation Studies, Durham University Business School

Dr Sverre Spoelstra

Dr Sverre Spoelstra

Associate Professor, Lund University School of Economics and Management & Copenhagen Business School

Dr Scott Taylor

Dr Scott Taylor

Reader/Associate Professor in Leadership and Organisation Studies, Birmingham Business School


Chaired by

Dr Eleni Karamali

Dr Eleni Karamali

Global Online Tutor, Business School, Edinburgh Napier University


Benefits of attending 

Participants will benefit from:

  • presentations and discussions providing insights into latest research in the field of leadership and leadership development
  • an opportunity to take part in an important academic debate that informs business practices
  • a better understanding of the conceptualisation of leadership



Please contact the BAM Office at e[email protected] with any queries.  


Event Fee 

BAM Members: Free 

BAM Student Members: Free 

Non-Members: £30

Non-Members, Students: £20
