This workshop is designed to support new professors in developing their careers. The workshop will draw on a panel of established professors who have chosen different career pathways and then provide time for reflection, discussion and peer support/networking.
As academics, our early career path is often relatively clear (if challenging), as we strive to achieve a professorship. Once we reach that level however, after the initial celebration, the future might be less clear, as we consider how to build on our professorship and develop our careers moving forward. Often new professors are unclear of what the possible professorial career trajectories are and how they might achieve these.
This workshop is designed to support new professors in developing their careers. The workshop will draw on a panel of established professors who have chosen different career pathways and then provide time for reflection, discussion and peer support/networking.
BAM Council Capability Development
The event speaks to Sections 3 as detailed in the BAM Framework
Co-Director of the Centre for Management Education , Surrey Business School
Co-Director of the Centre for Management Education , Surrey Business School
Christine Rivers is Co-Director of the Centre for Management Education at Surrey Business School and accredited Executive Coach and Consultant in Management Education. As part of her CME Director role Christine drives staff development of Management Educators at all levels at Surrey and outside Surrey, playing an integral role in shaping the future of Management Education as a scholarly profession. Christine is also Director for Learning and Teaching (interim) at Surrey Business Schools working closely with Executive Directors at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level to ensure the delivery of an outstanding student experience. At Surrey Christine designed and leads the first credit-bearing PG Cert in Management Education and implemented an internal staff development programme MEP – Management Educator in Practice. Outside Surrey, Christine consults and collaborates with professional bodies, business schools and higher education institutions. Projects are based on her research expertise around staff development and blended learning design in particular usability in virtual learning environments. Partners include University of Cambridge, University of East Anglia, Chartered Association of Business Schools, Majan College Oman, MCI in Innsbruck, Austria to name a few. Christine’s expertise and knowledge of developing staff and designing meaningful blended learning experiences has been instrumental in supporting the transition of Surrey during Covid-19. In addition, Christine is SIG Chair for Knowledge and Learning, British Academy of Management, CABS LTSE committee member, Senior Fellow Advance HE and keynote speaker. She is associate editor for Journal of Management Education.
Professor of Management and Organization , Cardiff University
Professor of Management and Organization , Cardiff University
He gained his PhD from University of Wales Cardiff in 1990. His research interests cut across the fields of organisation theory, strategy, marketing, and anti-racism. He has served in advisory and consulting capacities to a range of national and international organisations and agencies. He has also held a number of Ministerial appointments including: member of Welsh Government Equality in STEM Education and Industry Sub-group, member of First Minister of Wales Black, Asian and minority ethnic COVID-19 Advisory Group, Chair of First Minister of Wales Black, Asian and minority ethnic COVID-19 socio-economic sub-group, and Co-chair (with the Permanent Secretary of the Welsh Government) of the Steering Group that developed the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan. He is currently co-chair (with the Permanent Secretary of the Welsh Government) of the External Accountability Group that is leading the implementation of the anti-racist Wales plan. Emmanuel has been elected to the Fellowships of Academy of Social Sciences, British Academy of Management, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, and Learned Society of Wales. He is a Trustee and vice-chair of Race Council Cymru.
Professor in Strategy and Associate Dean for Research, Aston Business School
Professor in Strategy and Associate Dean for Research, Aston Business School
Nicholas O'Regan, is Professor in Strategy at Aston Business School and Associate Dean for Research. After completing his PhD in Strategy and Leadership at Middlesex University, he has held appointments as Professor of Strategy at Middlesex University, Professor of Strategy, Enterprise, and Innovation at Bristol Business School and until 2019 was Associate Dean - Research and Innovation for the Faculty of Business and Law at UWE Bristol. He began his career in the public sector as the youngest local authority and harbour board chief executive in Ireland. He then undertook further post-graduate studies in the UK, after which he held chief officer positions in UK local government heading departments ranging from economic development, industrial development, and strategic planning. Nicholas is an experienced strategist, bridge builder, business broker and entrepreneur, comfortable in both academic and business environments and with a depth of experience of operating in a fluid, complex and challenging environment. Throughout his career, he has inspired, led and managed teams of all types and sizes. He is adept at working with all levels of management and able to upload and download information key to the smooth running of an organisation with discretion, understanding and gravitas.
Dean of the BAM Fellows College
Dean of the BAM Fellows College
Fiona Wilson was Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the Adam Smith Business School. Having recently retired after over 21 years there, she is currently Emeritus Professor, an Affiliate and Honorary Senior Research Fellow.
Incoming Co-Vice Chair: Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building
Incoming Co-Vice Chair: Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building
New Professors Programme Facilitator, Ming-Ai Institute
New Professors Programme Facilitator, Ming-Ai Institute
Please contact the BAM Office at [email protected] with any queries.
BAM Members: Free
Non-Members: £25
For more information, please visit BAM Membership
Registrations close on Tuesday 15th November 2022 at 23:59 UK time.
Payment for the event must be received before the start date of the event concerned. Access will not be permitted to the event if full payment has not been received.
Cancellations received within 14 days of booking your place on the event will receive a full refund.
Cancellations received after the 14-day cancellation period and later than 14 days before the start date of the event will not be eligible for a refund.
Although we endeavour to run all events as advertised, BAM reserves the right to cancel any event if, for example, there are not enough people to justify running the event or if other significant unforeseen circumstances arise. Please be aware that delegates are always responsible for ensuring their own travel and accommodation against cancellation, and the British Academy of Management is not able to reimburse anyone for these under any circumstances.
To cancel a booking a cancellation request must be submitted via your BAM Account, to do this: