The session aims at extending Innovation Management to an inclusive approach involving innovation practices and social and environmental sustainability. Like any management theory, new paradigms are needed to meet the challenges ahead of societies and economies.
The session aims at extending Innovation Management to an inclusive approach involving innovation practices and social and environmental sustainability. Like any management theory, new paradigms are needed to meet the challenges ahead of societies and economies. Thus, relatively separated fields of innovation management and sustainability will merge into a more holistic and powerful concept. Although sustainability has been discussed for many years, it hardly made into the core of innovation management, remaining at the niche level of eco-innovation or environmental concepts. However, the next generations of innovations will have to take sustainability into account for all activities, for example, in structured and systemic forms, which were exceptions until recently. Therefore, it seems appropriate to start looking at the dark side of innovation management, moving towards a genuinely systemic and comprehensive picture of innovation and integrating this into established innovation management theory, practices, and policy.
The session is supported by a Special Issue entitled ‘The dead end of classical innovation management and unsustainable innovation‘ in Technovation ( guest edited by the speakers Prof Dr Jan Kratzer (TU Berlin), Prof Dirk Meissner (Higher School of Economics University), Dr Rainer Harms (Twente University) and Dr Bruno Brandão Fischer (University of Campinas). This event is part of the annual BAM Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building (AACCB) webinar series:
The AACCB webinars will help attendees to gain greater clarity about some contemporary issues, and how they link in with other related management research areas. Delivered by senior academics engaged in cutting edge research, the topics to be covered in the series will provide attendees with scholarly insight into what constitutes meaningful scholarship, and the making of optimal theoretical and methodological choices when crafting high impact manuscripts for publication. There will also be opportunities to discuss ways to get the best out of the publication process, crafting a careers, and networking with fellow academics, and other management researchers, all in one place.
BAM Council's Sub-Committee of Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building (AACCB)
The event speaks to Sections A1 and A2 as detailed in the BAM Framework
Head of the Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, HSE
Head of the Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, HSE
Dirk Meissner is Distinguished Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Economics of Innovation at HSE and Academic Head of the international Master program “Governance Science, Technology and Innovation”. Dr. Meissner has 20 years experience in research and teaching technology and innovation management and policy. He has strong background in science, technology and innovation for policy making and industrial management with special focus on Foresight and roadmapping, science, technology and innovation policies, funding of research and priority setting. Prior to joining the HSE Dirk was responsible for technology and innovation policy at the presidential office of the Swiss Science and Technology Council. Dirk also has long experience in top level consulting to key decision makers in industry as a management consultant for technology and innovation management with Arthur D. Little. He is and was member of international working groups on technology and innovation policy. Dirk represented Switzerland and currently the Russian Federation at the OECD Working Party on Technology and Innovation Policy and Committee for Science and Technology Policy.
Chaired Professor for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Technische Universität Berlin
Chaired Professor for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Technische Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jan Kratzer is Chaired Professor for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management and Founder/Academic Director of Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE) at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. He is in the editorial board of “Creativity and Innovation Management” (CIM), “Journal of Product Innovation Management” (J-PIM), “Sustainability” and ““Highlights of Sustainability”. His research is mainly on factors that drive sustainable entrepreneurial and innovation activities, online and offline social networks and the human side of innovations. His work has appeared among more in Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainability, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Economy and Society, Journal of Consumer Research, Research Policy, Heath Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Technovation, Industry & Innovation.
Associate Professor for Entrepreneurship, University Twente
Associate Professor for Entrepreneurship, University Twente
Rainer Harms is Associate Professor for Entrepreneurship at the University Twente, HighTech Business&Entrepreneurship cluster, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management group. He is passionate about helping technology entrepreneurs to realize their ambitions. His topics are entrepreneurial learning, technology ventures, entrepreneurial education, and entrepreneurial orientation. His research spans more than 70 articles in journals such as SBE, JSBM, BJM, ORM, ERD, TFSC, Technovation, and others. Rainer is associate editor of JSBM and on the editorial board of TFSC.
Rainer worked at WWU Münster and AAU Klagenfurt, and was Visiting Professor at the WU Vienna, UA Barcelona, SPbSTU St. Petersburg, Monash Uni, FAU Erlangen/Nürnberg, and HSE Moscow. He has been active in the European Institute of Technology (EIT) since 2012, and has cooperated with firms such as KPMG, Ernst&Young, ABN, and others.
Associate Professor, University of Campinas
Associate Professor, University of Campinas
Bruno Brandão Fischer is Associate Professor at the School of Applied Sciences (FCA), University of Campinas (UNICAMP). His research emphasizes the topics of ecosystems and regional systems of innovation and entrepreneurship. Prof. Fischer holds PhD in Economics and Innovation Management (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain). MSc in Economics and Innovation Management (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain) and in Agribusiness (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).
Dean of the BAM Fellows College
Dean of the BAM Fellows College
Fiona Wilson was Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the Adam Smith Business School. Having recently retired after over 21 years there, she is currently Emeritus Professor, an Affiliate and Honorary Senior Research Fellow.
Please contact the BAM Office at [email protected] with any queries.
BAM Members: Free
BAM Student Members: Free
Non-Members: £25
Non-Members, Students: £15
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Registration closes on 24th May 2022 at 16:00 UK time