The Early Career (ECA) Network Webinar - November 2023

The Early Career (ECA) Network Webinar - November 2023

The Early Career Academic Network at BAM will be organising a monthly online network session that will be held online over Zoom. In the last academic year we held a monthly online session, it is informal in nature for the early career academic community at BAM. This session will be titled 'Reenergise and Reset: Preparing for a Restful Winter Break' with an invited senior academics to talk questions and contribute to the informal conversation.

Session Theme:

Reenergise and Reset: Preparing for a Restful Winter Break

The winter break can provide a brilliant opportunity to recharge your academic batteries. However, winding down and taking a break isn’t always easy as an Early Career Researcher. In this month’s ECA Network webinar, we chat about some of the challenges that you might face when taking a break such as managing stress, dealing with guilt, and prioritising mental well-being. We are joined by special guest, Professor Claire Hannibal, who shares their own experiences, gives valuable insights, and answers your questions on how to prepare for a restful break. Register now and discuss in a friendly and informal environment how to make the most of the upcoming winter break!

Event Hosts:

Early Career Academic Network - Dr Rebecca Beech, Mollie Bryde-Evens and Dr Sahar Bakr.

Guest Speaker:

Professor Claire Hannibal

Professor Claire Hannibal

Professor of Operations Management, Robert Gordon University

Claire Hannibal is Professor of Operations Management and Associate Dean Research and Knowledge Exchange at Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University.  She has held Faculty positions at Liverpool John Moores University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Wolverhampton, University of Liverpool, University of Bradford and University of Manchester. Prior to joining academia in 2003, Claire worked for 3 years in Ethiopia with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and has held managerial positions in manufacturing, textile processing and retail.

Claire and colleagues established the BAM Special Interest Group on Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management in 2013 and Claire served on BAM Council from 2017-2022.  Claire’s overarching research focus is on process improvement in organisations and supply chains. Current research projects are focused on triple bottom line sustainability, textile supply chains and the role of labelling in assuring the social sustainability of multi-tier supply chains. Recent projects have examined humanitarian logics and strategies for implementing information sharing to manage supply chain risk.

Claire has published widely on the topic of operations and supply chain process improvement and her research features in the International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal and Journal of Business Research. In 2022 she won the Professor Ian Beardwell Prize awarded by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development for the best applied research paper, and the David Lepak Award from the International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Claire enjoys knitting and completed a City and Guilds in Handknitting in 2022.  She has also recently learned how to sew and is enjoying making her own clothes from fabric that would have been destined for landfill.

Who should attend?

The early career academic network's community of early career academics - last year of their PhD and 5 years post PhD.

Benefits of Attending:

  • Gain rich insights
  • Develop network
  • Informal space to culminate new ideas and converse