The gendered impact of Covid-19 pandemic on work and employment

This panel is interested in unpacking the complexities of gender dynamics and inequalities that are emerging from the pandemic. This workshop will be of interest to academics and doctoral candidates undertaking research in gender and equality, to academics, who are engaging in flexible working and home-working and to practitioners who are affected by the pandemic.


The Covid19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-crisis economic and social inequalities, which have important implications for gender equality in all domains of life. In general terms, the pandemic poses risks to widening the gender gap in areas like accumulation of human capital, economic empowerment, agency and voice. At work, these challenges are multilayered given the life-changing impact the pandemic has had in the way we relate socially and professionally with work and employment.

The most immediate points of discussion have revolved around the gendered impact of covid19 for those working from home and those who are unable to work from home. In adapting to the risks of infection, a large portion of the working population is now homeworking. The combination of homeworking, alongside the prevalence of virtual work presence has blurred the lines between home life and work life. It has increased an already complex reality of the disproportionate burden women face in relation to unpaid care and housework, having to juggle working from home, homeschooling, and caring for others. For those unable to work from home, e.g. service sector workers (cleaners, security guards, waiting staff, retail workers, financial sector, public transport, social workers) as well as plant, process and machine operatives and frontline key workers, the challenges of continued exposure to higher risks of infection, while also having to deal with concerns about the health and safety of those close to them, has led to decreased levels of wellbeing as a result of an increase in emotional and psychological distress.

Intersectionally, reports have suggested a disproportionate impact on Black people, people of colour, and ethnic minorities, especially those on low-income jobs. These groups are more often pressured to work outside home, which increases their level of risk of infection and death, as well as negatively impact on their mental health. Moreover, the decrease of income, due to job loss and reduction in working hours, puts additional pressure on low-income households. Consequently, Black women, women of colour and ethnic minorities have experienced a higher financial burden as a result of the pandemic.

This panel is interested in unpacking the complexities of gender dynamics and inequalities that are emerging from the pandemic. Key questions for this panel discussion include: What are the consequences of the gendered impact of the Covid19 pandemic on those working from home and those who are unable to work from home? Who is excluded from the current framing of the conversation? What actions need to be taken and by whom? What policies could be implemented in order to mitigate the gendered impact of the Covid19 pandemic?


Provider Information

BAM Gender in Management Special Interest Group



Professor Gary Powell, University of Connecticut

Dr Carolyn Axtell, University of Sheffield

Amal Abdellatif, Northumbria University

Huiping Xian (Chair), University of Sheffield


Benefits of attending 
  • Enhanced understanding of designing, conducting and reporting research in the areas of gender, race and work
  • Recent debates in social and theoretical issues in relation to the impact of the pandemic with insight from leading academics in the field
  • Networking opportunities with international scholars and practitioners



Please contact the BAM Office at [email protected] with any queries.  


Event Fee 

BAM Members: Free 

Non-BAM Members: £20
