Women and Global Entrepreneurship: Contextualising Everyday Experiences

During this webinar, contributors from Women and Global Entrepreneurship: Contextualising Everyday Experiences will explore women entrepreneurship through three dimensions, where it happens, who it happened to and when it happens, and in so doing will discuss future avenues of research, methodological approaches as well as policy and practice considerations. 


Contextualization has been described as the third wave in entrepreneurship research and as a means of advancing our understanding of the lived experience of entrepreneurs. For women’s entrepreneurship, contextualization offers a rigorous, robust and systematic means to advance our understanding of their diverse lived experiences. It also opens up opportunities to explore how social, institutional, political, economic, and other factors inform decision-making in regards to becoming an entrepreneur or being an entrepreneur. Contextualization opens up the opportunity for comparative studies, to explore under-researched issues and to experiment with novel methodological approaches. Furthermore, it can provide an evidence base that can have practical relevance for women entrepreneurs and for ecosystem stakeholders that support them.

During this webinar contributors, from Women and Global Entrepreneurship: Contextualising Everyday Experiences will explore women entrepreneurship through three dimensions, where it happens, who it happened to and when it happens, and in so doing will discuss future avenues of research, methodological approaches as well as policy and practice considerations. This webinar will also provide participants with the opportunity to explore and reflect on the challenges of taking a contextualization approach in conducting women's entrepreneurship research.


Provider Information

BAM Gender in Management and BAM Entrepreneurship Special Interest Groups 


Who Should Attend?

This webinar will be of interest to academics and doctoral candidates undertaking research in gender and entrepreneurship and to academics. The event speaks to Sections A1 and A2, as detailed in the BAM Framework 



Professor Lois Shelton, California State University, Northridge

Professor Friederike Welter, University of Siegen

Dr Maria V. Lugo, Bridgewater College

Dr Sylvia Gavigan, IMC Global, Technological University Dublin

Dr Susan Clark Muntean, University of North Carolina Asheville


Professor James Cunningham, Northumbria University

Professor Maura McAdam, Dublin City University


Benefits of attending 
  • Enhanced understanding of women and entrepreneurship in international research
  • Recent debates in cultural, methodological and theoretical issues with insight from leading academics in the field
  • Networking opportunities with scholars and practitioners from Gender in Management and Entrepreneurship SIGs



Please contact the BAM Office at [email protected] with any queries.  


Event Fee 

BAM Members: Free 

Non-BAM Members: £25
