Welcome to the BAM2022 Conference. We are pleased to announce the Conference schedule - please see details below.
The paper presentation schedule is now available to view here (updated 1st September). Please note the paper programme is subject to change and any updates will be uploaded here and to the Conference app.
08.00 – 17.00 Conference Registration Conference I The Drum, University Place
08:50 - 08:55 Welcome message from Prof Fiona Devine, Head of Alliance Manchester Business School and Madeleine Barrows, CEO British Academy of Management (pre-recorded) I Online
08:30 - 08:45 - Welcome message from the Conference Chair Prof Kenneth McPhail, Alliance Manchester Business School and Prof Fiona Devine, Head of Alliance Manchester Business School I Plenary Lecture Theatre B, University Place I In-person
09.00 – 10.30 I Paper sessions 1 I Online
10:30 – 10:45 Refreshment break I The Drum & Online
10:45 – 11:30 IFSAM-BAM session: Rethinking Good Research in Times of Impact - Prof Katy Mason, Lancaster University - BAM Chair, Prof Silviya Svejenova, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark - IFSAM VP research, Prof Alketa Peci, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil – ANPAD President & Editor, Revista de Administração Pública (Brazilian Journal of Public Administration)
Prof Anna Grandori, Università Bocconi, Italy – Editor in chief, European Management Review
Prof Baniyelme D. Zoogah, McMaster University, Canada – Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) President and Africa Journal of Management, Prof Gazi Islam, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France – Editor in chief, Journal of Business Ethics, Prof Paolo Quattrone, University of Manchester, UK – Editor in chief, Organization Studies I Online
11.30 – 12.30 Meet The Non-BAM Editors - Prof Bat Batjargal, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice journal, Prof Martina Huemann, International Journal of Project Management, Prof Lisa Schurer Lambert, Organizational Research Methods Journal, Prof Jonatan Pinkse, Organization and Environment journal, Prof Mollie Painter, Business Ethics Quarterly journal, facilitated by Prof Stephen Linstead, The University of York and Dr Heiner Evanschitzky, British Journal of Management I Online
12.30 – 13.15 Lunch Break I The Drum
12:30 - 12:45 Introducing BAM Early-career Academics Network - Sahar Bakr, De Montfort University, Rebecca Beech, Coventry University, Mollie Bryde, Liverpool John Moores University I Room TBC I University Place I In-person
12:30 -14:30 I Matisse inspired collage building workshop with Sarah Pink I Room 2.219/2.220 I University Place
13.15 – 14.15 I Fellows Café with Prof David Denyer, Cranfield University, Prof Fiona Wilson, The University of Glasgow, Prof Jone L Pearce, University of California, Prof Robert MacIntosh, Northumbria University, Prof Yehuda Baruch, University of Southampton, Prof Greg Bamber, Monash University, chaired by Dr Neil Pyper, Birkbeck, University of London I Executive Education Centre, Alliance Manchester Business School I In-person (PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED)
13.15 - 14.15 Management Consultancy Network Panel discussion - Increasing the impact of research through management consultancy - Prof Nic Beech, Middlesex University, Dr Karol Szlichcinski, Centre for Management Consulting Excellence, Zarina Naqvi, Maxima Associates Consulting, Terry Corby, Good Business Pays CIC, Prof Simon Haslam, Durham University Business School, facilitated by Prof James Johnston University of the West of Scotland I online
14:15 – 15:45 Paper sessions 2 I Online (some in person)
14:15 – 15:45 Paper Symposia & workshops I In-person
15:45 - 16:00 Refreshment break I The Drum
16.00 – 17:00 The Business School as a Catalyst for change, Measuring Impact Why and How’ - Prof Sir Cary Cooper, University of Manchester, Prof Usha Haley, Wichita State University, Gillian Drakeford, past CEO of Ikea for the UK & Ireland, facilitated by Andrew Jack, The Financial Times, Mette Morsing ,United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (UNPRMA) I In-Person & Online I Plenary Lectur Theatre, University Place I Session sponsored by SAGE Publishing
17:00 – 17:45 Networking & Social Activities: Tours - Data Visualization Lab tour; Guided Tour with Jonathan Schofield - Suffragettes, Significant Women and Manchester I Meeting point Information Desk, The Drum, Univeristy Place; Yoga with Dominika I Penthouse, AMBS I In-person
17:00 – 17:45 Fellows session - The Purposeful Business School? - Prof Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School, Prof Ken Starkey, Nottngham University Business School I Online
18:00 – 19:30 Annual SIG and Networks meetings I In-person & Zoom
18:00 – 19:30 Joint Track Event: GiM and HRM - Inequalities and the Future of Work - Dr Minjie Cai, University of Greenwich, Dr Elisabeth Anna Guenther, University of Vienna, Dr Stewart Johnstone, Strathclyde University, Dr Jenny K Rodriguez, Work & Equalities Institute, University of Manchester, Chaired by Prof Stephen Procter, Newcastle University I In-person
18:00 – 20:00 Joint Track Event: African Studies and Leadership - Contextualising Leadership in Africa: meanings, challenges and the way forward - Dr Christian Harrison, Reader, University of the West of Scotland, Kola Adesina, Chairman, Ikeja Electric, Dr Kingsley Omeihe, Head of Business Discipline, University of Aberdeen, Chaired by Dr Eleni Karamali, Edinburgh Napier University followed by Prizegiving I In-person & Zoom
20:00 – 21:00 Annual SIG Meetings (GiM, HRM and LLD SIGs) | In-person and Zoom
08.00 – 17.00 Conference Registration I The Drum, University Place
08.00 – 09.30 Paper sessions 3 I Breakout rooms I University Place & AMBS
09:00 – 09:45 Guided tour of sites associated with Emmeline Pankhurst I The Drum, University Place
09:30 – 09:45 Refreshment break I The Drum I University Place & AMBS
09:45 – 11:15 Fellows Session - EDIR in Business and Management Schools: Reporting on the current situation and developing positive actions going forward Prof Palie K Smart, University of Bristol, Prof Martyna Sliwa, Durham University, Prof Pawan Budhwar, Aston University, Prof Audley Genus, Kingston University facilitated by Prof Fiona Wilson, Adam Smith Business School I Plenary Lecture Theatre I Hybrid
09:45 – 11:15 Professional Developmental Workshops Round 1 I Breakout Rooms I University Place & AMBS I In-person
11.15 - 11.30 Refreshment Break I The Drum I University Place & AMBS
11.30 – 12.30 Grand Conference Opening & Keynote Panel: Inclusive Scholarship as a Force for Good - Prof Quinetta M. Roberson, John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Management and Psychology, Prof Nic Beech, BAM President, Vice-Chancellor, Middlesex University, Banji Adewumi, Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity, University of Manchester facilitated by Prof Anthony Rafferty Director of the Work & Equalities Institute I Plenary Theatre I University Place I Hybrid I Plenary Theatre I University Place I Hybrid
12.30 – 13.15 Awards Ceremony I Plenary Theatre I University Place I Hybrid
13.15 – 14.05 Lunch Break I The Drum, University Place
13.15 – 14.05 Post-Experience Education Working Group (P-EEWG) Meet & Greet (Lunch will be served) I Room TBC
14.05 – 15.35 Paper Sessions 4 I Breakout Rooms I University Place & AMBS I In-person
15:35 – 15:50 Refreshment break I The Drum I University Place & AMBS
15:50 – 16:50 Keynote Panel - Can Business & Investors Solve Our Biggest Social Challenges - Tera Allas, CBE, Director of Research and Economics, London McKinsey & Company, Beth Haughton, Investment Director, Palatine, Duncan Goose, Managing Director, Global Ethics Limited, facilitated by Luke Georghiou, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Manchester I Plenary Theatre I University Place I Hybrid
16:50 – 17:05 Refreshment Break I The Drum I University Place
17:00 -18:00 Yoga Practice I AMBS I In-Person
17:05 – 18:35 Paper Sessions 5
19:30 – Gala Dinner Kimpton Clocktower Hotel
08.00 – 14:00 Conference Registration I The Drum I University Place
08:00 – 08:30 Yoga practice I AMBS I In-person
08.30 – 10.00 Paper Sessions (6) I Breakout Rooms I University Place & AMBS I In-person
09:00 – 10:00 BJM special issue workshop I Room TBC I In-person
10:00 – 10:30 Refreshment break I University Place & AMBS
10.30 – 11.30 Meet The Editors - Dr Shuang Ren, British Journal of Management (BJM), Dr Marian Iszatt-White, International Journal of Management reviews (IJMR), Prof Caroline Gatrell, Journal of Management Studies (JMS), Prof Sarah Robinson, Editor-in-Chief European Management Journal (EMJ), Prof Paul Hibbert, Academy of Management Learning & Education journal (AMLE), facilitated by Prof Sharon Clarke, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology I Plenary Theatre I University Place I Hybrid I Session sponsored by the EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (EMJ)
11.30 – 12:00 Refreshment Break I The Drum I University Place
12.00 – 13:00 Reimagining Capitalism: Do we need a new theoretical model or better regulation? - Will Hutton, Journalist, The Observer, President, Academy of Social Sciences, Sacha Sadan, Director, Sustainable Finance, FCA, facilitated by Prof Marie Dutordoir, Prof of Finance, The University of Manchester I Plenary Theatre I University Place I Hybrid
13:00 – 13.45 Lunch Break Conference I The Drum I University Place
13:00 - 13:45 BAM AGM I Plenary Theatre I University Place | In-person
13.45 – 15:15 Professional Developmental Workshops Round 2 I Breakout Rooms I University Place & AMBS I In-person
13:45 – 14:45 Net Zero, Productivity & Green Recovery: Can we level up by decreasing carbon emissions and increasing productivity - Marilyn Comrie CEO Manchester Innovation Activities Hub; Prof Richard Jones, Vice President for regional innovation and civic engagement; Prof Effi Kesidou Professor of the economics of innovation and sustainability, facilitated by Prof Jonathan Pinske I Room TBC I In-person
15:15 – 16:45 Paper session (7) I Breakout Rooms I University Place & AMBS
31st August 17:00 - 17:45
1st September 17:00 -18:00
2nd September 08:00 - 08:30
Venue: Penthouse, Alliance Manchester Business School
Strala Yoga combines the movement wisdom of tai chi with the forms of yoga, tai chi, qigong, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as a way to help people release stress, heal, and move more easily through all kinds of challenge. All classes move slowly and continuously, guided with deep breath and easy-going movement, every inhale opens and creates space, every exhale relaxes and lets you move easily into the space you create. There is a variety of class types such as STRONG, RELAX, ENERGIZE, BASICS, GENTLE, and CORE.
Please note there will be a limited number of yoga mats available, please bring your own if you have one.
The Pankhurst family, Lydia Becker, Annie Kenney and many, many more heroines of the female suffrage movement in Manchester are commemorated in this stroll around interiors, buildings and landmarks where women fought for representation. There are stories of reasoned argument, attacks on paintings, arrests and the raising of the Votes for Women banner on 13 October, 1905. 2018 was the centenary of women gaining the vote.
Emmeline Pankhurst is the central figure on this tour.
31st August 12:30 - 14:30, Room 2.219/2.220, University Place
Matisse said that he was never truly expressing himself until he started to work with collages. His cut-outs comprise some of his most famous work and represents the artist at his most expressive, despite being restricted by age and movement.
In this 2 hour workshop, participants will be gently guided through collaborative collage making with artist Sarah Pink. Collage offers a way to promote socially responsible, sustainable art by reusing already existing artwork.
Participants will work together in small teams to curate a collaborative large artwork and individually to create a greetings card or small artwork. No previous art skills or experience required; just an open mind!
31st August 17:00 – 17:15 and 17:30 – 17:45
1st September 09:00 – 09:15 and 09:45 – 10:00
Meeting point: Information Desk, University Place
AMBS's new 3D, large-scale visualisation facility is the new home of data-driven research, engagement and teaching activities at The University of Manchester. It will provide a way for us to visualise data on a huge scale via 72 full HD screens, and will help to develop new insights into data and models.
The possible uses for the new observatory are endless, from visualising huge data sets across all areas of research at The University, to simulating digitised processes in industry, or visualising monetary flows in fintech, for example. Nikolay Mehandjiev, Professor of Enterprise Information Systems, said the School’s work with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) was a perfect example of where the new laboratory would have major benefits. For more, click HERE.
Please find details of SIG Annual Meetings below.
Corporate Governance SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 4.014, AMBS
Cultural and Creative Industries SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | G.023, AMBS
eBusiness and eGovernment SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 4.019, AMBS
Entrepreneurship SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 3.009, AMBS
Financial Management SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 4.015, AMBS
Additional Materials
Identity SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 4.018, AMBS
We would also like to invite you to join us for a SIG social meal immediately after the AGM at 19.45 at HOME at 2 Tony Wilson Place, Manchester M15 4FN. HOME caters for a range of dietary needs. Please would you let us know at https://forms.office.com/r/tBcB1qbNSb by 12 noon on 26 August if you will be able to join us for the meal, so that we can confirm numbers with the restaurant.
Innovation SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 3.006b, AMBS
We will be having an informal SIG dinner at a restaurant after the Annual Meeting. It would be great if you're able to join us. To help with planning, if you could let me know by Friday 26th August, 12:00 via the below link whether you will attend the dinner and if you have any specific dietary requirements, that would be much appreciated.
International Business and International Management SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 4.010a, AMBS
Inter-Organisational Collaboration: Partnerships, Alliances and Networks SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | G.024, AMBS
Leadership and Leadership Development SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 20:00 - 21:00
Room | G.003, AMBS
Marketing and Retail SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 4.013, AMBS
Other meeting materials
Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 4.020, AMBS
2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
Organisational Transformation Change and Development SIG Annual Meeting | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 4.010b, AMBS
Other meeting materials
Project Experiences SIG Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 18:45
Location | Christie's Bistro
APM Drinks Reception
The Project Experiences SIG Annual Meeting will follow with a Drinks Reception at Christie's Bistro, from 19:00 to 22:00.
Research Methodology SIG Annual Meeting | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 2.007, AMBS
Other meeting materials
Sustainable and Responsible Business SIG Annual Meeting | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 3.006a, AMBS
Please note, the Public Management and Governance SIG Annual Meeting has been postponed and will be held at a later date, to be confirmed soon. Apologies for any inconvenience and thank you so much for your patience.
Continental Network Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | 4.009, AMBS
Management Consultancy Network Annual Meeting | Wednesday 31st August | 18:00 - 19:30
Room | G.012, AMBS
During the Conference, there will be a number of Track Workshops taking place across the three days which are available for all registered delegates to attend: The majority of these sessions will take place in person:
09:00 – 10:30
WORKSHOP (Virtual)
Session Chair: Christine Unterhitzenberger and Jane Dowson
Track Welcome and Meet the Editors: Researching projects responsibly (359) Jeff Pinto, Martina Huemann, Ralf Muller and Nathalie Droiun
The workshop is the opening session for the Project Experience track. It features a keynote by Jeff Pinto, Penn State University, on Reimaging Project Management as a force for good including Q&A. This is followed by a Meet the Editor session with Martina Huemann (International Journal of Project Management and Project Leadership and Society), Ralf Müller (Project Management Journal), Nathalie Drouin (International Journal of Managing Projects in Business) and Tyson Browning (Journal of Operations Management). Delegates have the opportunity to engage in a discussion with the Editors.
14:15 – 15:45
WORKSHOP (Virtual)
Session Chair: Tony Wall
Reimagining decent work through engaged scholarship: dynamics and boundaries of inclusive relationality (35) Tony Wall, Ann Hindley, Thi Hanh Tien Ho, Minh Luong Phuong, Nga Ngo, Scott Foster, Sue Cronshaw, Joshi Jariwala
‘Decent Work’ is part of a United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal and psychological construct associated with ‘good’ employment conditions (e.g. stability, security, fair pay, social protection, equality of opportunity and treatment for all). Despite a 30-year history, minority ethnic students and graduates remain some of the most excluded from employment. This session draws from a major study in Vietnam which positions Appreciative Inquiry as a form of engaged scholarship where minority ethnic groups collaborated with influential policy-makers, employers, and university seniors, to re-vision Decent Work and the pathways towards it. The session provides an experiential experiment which invites participants to imagine the application of the approach in their own context, reflect on the power structures and differentials in their own setting, and consider ways to address these so participants feel they can contribute. The frameworks and strategies for inclusion that emerged in Vietnam are shared as prompts to inspire dialogue around inclusive relationalities in engaged scholarship.
14:15 – 15:45
Joint Gender in Management and Human Resource Management Track Workshop (In Person)
Session Chair: Jenny Rodriguez
Everybody’s Talking about Menopause (240) Katy Marsh-Davies, Kathleen Riach
Everybody is welcome to join this inclusive session and engage in conversations about menopause: the challenges it can bring and how organisations might better support people through this life stage. Through this workshop we will consider how BAM can promote a culture of menopause well-being in the workplace, including setting an agenda for future research.
There will be prestigious guest speakers (including Carol Atkinson/Jo Duberley; Belinda Steffan; Kathleen Riach) showcasing their research on this topic, as well as opportunities for interaction and sharing of experiences and ideas.
14:15 – 15:45
WORKSHOP (In Person)
Session Chair: George Tsekouras
Accelerating Technology Transfer in a Deep Tech Worlds (847) Antonis Livieratos, Yiannis Dimitrakopoulos
14:15 – 15:45
Session Chair: Dr Christian Harrison
Foregrounding Relational Management Education in Leadership Development: ‘Becoming’ And ‘Being’ Scholarly-Practitioners (229) Leighann Spencer, Lisa Anderson, Paul Ellwood, Claire Rigg
14:15 – 15:45
Session Chair: John Wilson
‘Whither business history?’ (177) John Wilson, Anna Tilba, Steven Toms, Nicholas Wong
The aim of this symposium to stimulate debate about the future of business history as a discipline, having just published Business History. A Research Overview (Routledge, 2022). This book identified the main trends across what we described as the 'three pillars' of research, teaching and practical impact, arguing that only the first has flourished, while the other two have failed to make much progress, especially in business schools. A proposal based on the need to develop much stronger links with the worlds of practice is offered as a solution to this challenging situation, providing a basis for the debate we want to prompt.
14:05 – 15.35
WORKSHOP (In Person)
Session Chair: Prof Axele Giroud
The objective of this panel is to engage in a critical discussion and present state-of-the art research on the issue of “Multinational Enterprises and Responsible Business in the Post-Covid Era”. The global health crisis has created new challenges for people, firms and countries and has raised uncertainty as to the future of responsible business in the post-pandemic era. Significant shifts are taking place in firms’ activities, as they have to adjust, restructure economic activities to ensure economic recovery, reconfigure value chains for resilience, and move towards sustainable practices. The aim of this panel is to focus on how multinational firms adopt responsible business practices, to explore how changes in political structures, national institutional environments and geopolitical tensions affect these practices, and critically assess the role of various stakeholders in supporting (or not) firms’ responsible business practices. Eminent scholars will address the following questions: (1) What are the drivers / challenges explaining multinationals’ responsible business practices? (2) How can multinationals contribute to social welfare and help reduce inequality through responsible business practices? (3) What roles do stakeholders play in multinationals’ responsible business practices? (4) What will be the impact of the global pandemic on MNEs’ ability to engage in and commitment to responsible business?
14:05 – 15.35
Session Chair: Andrie Michaelides
Reimagining inclusive workplace post-pandemic: Emerging agendas for management research and practice (1123) Valerie Stead, Martyna Sliwa, Gary Powell, Maria Adamson,
The past two years of the global pandemic crisis have raised many questions about our relationship with work and organizations. Amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic, a key question to move us forward is related to the future of work. This symposium session aims to reflect on the key questions that have emerged for equality and diversity scholars: How can pandemic learning help us (re)imagine a more inclusive and diverse workplace and sustainable working practices going forward? What lessons should we learn?
This symposium will feature a panel discussion of the challenges highlighted by the pandemic in the areas of equality and diversity, leadership and ethics as well as focus on debating how we can move forward and contemplating on issues that need attention to help us improve leadership and organisational culture and working practices in an inclusive way.
Key questions that this symposium addresses:
17:05 – 18.35
WORKSHOP (In Person)
Session Chair: Simon Smith
Business schools, research cultures and (de)colonisation: understanding the research lived experience and practices (438) Caroline Chapain, Joanne Duberley, Henry Price, Emma Surman
This workshop engages with the theme of the 2022 British Academy of Management Conference’s Reimagining business and management as a force for good by addressing the key question of the colonisation/decolonisation of business and management knowledge as well as Business Schools’ research cultures and contexts. There has been an increasing call for the decolonisation of universities in the UK since 2016, epitomised by the “Rhodes Must Fall” campaign at Oxford University (Ghopal, 2021), and subsequently reinforced with the global Black Lives Matter movement. Within academia, Business Schools tend to be seen as engines of dissemination and reproduction of Western colonised systems of knowledge and practices. As such, scholars argue that much needs to be done to challenge colonialism in the way management knowledge is produced, taught and disseminated, especially given the Business Schools’ international remit. More widely, a recent article entitled “The business school is racist: Act Up!” (Dar et al., 2021) calls urgently for more reflexivity and accountability to address racism and associated neo-colonial practices that support the promotion and (re)reproduction of white supremacist ideology and racist power structures in business schools. However, more research is needed on this topic both in terms of understanding these practices and how best to tackle them via the implementation of decolonised practices/praxis within the Business School context (Jammulamadaka et al. 2021) as the literature focuses on education rather than research.
Session Chair: Michelle Richey
Building on the success of BAM’s engaged scholarship workshops, this symposium aims to assemble lessons from scholars actively engaged at the cutting edge of engaged scholarship. Van de Ven’s (2007) influential exposition of a more impactful mode of scholarship has increasingly resonated with entrepreneurship scholars seeking to critique (Rouse & Woolnough, 2018), and advance paradigms (Dimov, 2016) and mechanisms (Ram, 2019) that facilitate meaningful, positive impact where it is most needed. This session brings together three accounts of engaged scholarship projects to inform and advance practice and debate among the BAM community, particularly among entrepreneurship scholars.
Net Zero & Sustainable Behaviours: Can We Change Consumer Behaviour for Good?
30th August 15:30-17:00 in room 3.006 in Alliance Manchester Business School
Drawing on new insights from marketing, consumer psychology, and cross-national consumer behavior, this BAM+ Session explores whether and how companies can encourage sustainable behaviors amongst their customers and be financially successful at the same time.
Chris Conn, Head of Wealth & Personal Banking Sustainability
Lucy Crowther, Director, British Retail Consortium (BRC), Learning
Prof Heiner Evanschitzky, Alliance Manchester Business School, UK
Prof Yuliya Strizhakova, Rutgers University, USA
Dr Hai-Anh Tran, Alliance Manchester Business School, UK
Utopias, New Ventures and Dreams of Order: A Conversation between Andrea Mennicken and Fabio Ficano
31st August 17.00-17.45 in room 3.006 in Alliance Manchester Business School
Institutional theories have always dealt with the role of myths in shaping individual, organisational and collective behaviour. This BAM+ Session explores whether utopias of the future have replaced beliefs in religion, the human being and science and technology as the primary form of generating individual and collective actions that may lead to new forms of organisation.
Prof Paolo Quattrone Professor of Accounting, Governance & Society, Director, Centre for the Analysis of Investment Risk (CAIR), Alliance Manchester Business School (session chair)
Dr Andrea Mennicken, Associate Professor, Co-Director Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR), London School of Economics and Political Science
Fabio Ficano, Venture Capitalist, Head of BootstrapLabs Venture Studio for Climate and Energy
**Pre-registration for PDWs is now open - please visit your Conference Booking to select your workshops**
Round 1 | Thursday 1st September, 09:45-11:15 | Breakouts | University Place | In-person
1. Human-centered and (ir)responsible “exponential” technologies for/at work: (re)imagining managerial issues and organisational dilemmas
Advances in technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Intelligent robots, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Augmented and Virtual Reality are continuing to influence business processes. Sometimes described as ‘exponential technologies’ referring to their growth along and beyond the lines of Moore’s Law, these digital and data-driven approaches are reconfiguring the practical, analytical and spatial dimensions of work and workplaces and shaping new societal and organizational futures.
This PDW invites multi-disciplinary scholars to analyse the implications of these “exponential” technologies for and at work, and how to ensure they are designed and implemented in a human-centered and responsible way.
Presented by Dr Aizhan Tursunbayeva (Parthenope University of Naples), Dr Claudia Pagliari (The University of Edinburgh), Prof Luigi Moschera (Parthenope University of Naples)
2. Exploring challenges of equality, diversity, inclusivity, and respect (EDIR): A review and future research agenda
This PDW aims to stimulate and develop an innovative agenda for future EDIR research. The first part of the workshop will be a brief presentation on EDIR, its issues and challenges as relevant in business organisations. The second part will consist of 2 short case studies – one western and another non-western, around challenges of EDIR faced by organisations. The purpose is to gain participants' perspectives on the challenges faced by organisations in effective EDIR implementation. Participants will then summarise various challenges of EDIR and their insights about future research themes to formulate a future research agenda.
Presented by Prof Santoshi Sengupta (Graphic Era Hill University), Dr Verma Prikshat (Cardiff Metropolitan University), Dr Parth Patel (Australian Institute of Business)
3. Exploring the ‘Lived-Experience’ of Minoritised-Ethnic Colleagues on Career Progression: What Needs to Happen to Close the Gap?
This interactive workshop explores career progression in the business and management academy through the ‘lived-experience’ of colleagues from minoritised-ethnic backgrounds to better understand specific challenges faced by colleagues. The invited panel of academics of colour from across the academy will share their personal insights and experiences to facilitate critical discussion on how inequities in career progression occur and how they can be rigorously addressed to enable a fairer future for all.
Recommendations from the discussions will shape and inform a BAM strategic agenda to support underrepresented colleagues in the academy, enabling colleagues of colour to directly inform and influence BAM key strategic activity around supporting the representation and progression of minoritised-ethnic colleagues.
Presented by Prof Emma Parry (Cranfield University), Prof Martyna Sliwa (Durham University), Maria Hussain (University of Leeds)
4. Developing and implementing Responsible Research Assessment in the context of DORA
BAM and many of our institutions are signatories of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which states that we should not use journal-based metrics such as impact factors as proxy indicators of research quality in recruitment, promotion and related processes.
This PDW will encourage open, inclusive and mutually supportive exploration of how business and management schools can support diverse colleagues to develop their research careers in the context of a growing focus on engagement, sustainability and societal impact, by implementing DORA and Responsible Research Assessment (RRA) principles. All colleagues with an interest in responsible research are very welcome.
Presented by Prof Steve Johnson (Sheffield Hallam University)
5. Reinvigorating your case classes: in-person and online
This expert-led workshop run by The Case Centre will demonstrate how to reinvigorate using cases in your classroom, both in-person and online. It will be an invaluable opportunity for delegates to find out more about case teaching and will be suitable for those new to cases as well as more experienced case teachers who are looking for fresh ideas and new insights into case teaching and learning.
The PDW will illustrate best practice and provide useful hints and tips on how to improve student engagement whether in-person or online. The session will be interactive and will allow those participating to engage from both a student and faculty perspective.
Presented by The Case Centre Dr Scott Andrews, Elizabeth Thorne
6. Mental Health and Wellbeing of Business School Academics: What works?
This PDW will be informed by the BAM Strategic Project for Mental Health and Wellbeing and is focused on employed status academics in UK universities.
The Core Research Team will present our latest findings. The PDW will seek to inform the project and its recommendations by sharing examples of good (and poor) practice. The Core Project Team will provide background to the project and its evolution as well as the main themes emerging and any unexpected findings. We are keen to test the face validity of our data with PDW participants, as well as seeking your views on our recommendations and input to help scope the final phase of data collection.
The questions for the PDW are:
What have we learned from before, during and in this latest phase of the Covid 19 pandemic in terms of responsible management practice and its impact on Mental Health and Wellbeing?
What are examples of good and poor practice that have impacted academic staff’s Mental Health and Wellbeing in universities and in particular, business schools?
Presented by Prof Nelarine Cornelius (Queen Mary University of London), Dr Anne-Clare Gillon (University of the West of Scotland), Dr Chidozie Umeh (University of York)
7. Reflexive Practice in Qualitative Research
Reflexivity is an essential requirement for qualitative, interpretive research that involves understanding how the embodied, emotional, rational and relational aspects of our selves impact on the process and outcomes of research. Approaches to reflexivity can support either the generalisability or the authenticity and resonance of research insights. At this workshop, doctoral students, early career researchers and interested experienced colleagues will benefit from discussion of the alternatives and how to enact them. In this way, workshop participants will shape their own approach to reflexive practice, allowing them to account for (the effects of) their positionality in their research projects.
Presented by Prof Paul Hibbert (University of St Andrews)
Round 2 | Friday 2nd September, 13:45-15:15 | Breakouts | University Place | In-person
8. Doing Culture and Language-Sensitive Research – the Value of Visual Methodologies
This PDW will be of interest to early career and experienced researchers who collect and analyse data across multiple culture and languages and/or are working in multilingual teams. You will benefit from a greater understanding of the complexities of translation in organisation and management research and the use of visual methodologies to deal with such complexities. The workshop will be interactive with elements of presentations by the organising team and opportunities for participants to discuss their own experiences and potential to apply the methodologies in their own research work.
Presented by Prof Doris Schedlitzki (London Metropolitan University), Dr Sylwia Ciuk (Oxford Brookes University)
9. Carbon Literacy Training for Educators, Communities, Organisations and Students (CLT-ECOS) - An interactive taster session
Carbon Literacy Training can directly inform how business schools are responding to the climate crisis and can help make business & management education more sustainable and responsible by educating both staff and students. This workshop aims to introduce the award-winning Carbon Literacy Training for Educators, Communities, Organisations and Students (CLT-ECOS) developed by Nottingham Trent University’s Green Academy in collaboration with the United Nations PRME Climate and Environment Working Group. The session includes a taster of the training to demonstrate how it works, and an opportunity for participants to learn about their own carbon impacts.
Presented by Dr Alex Hope (Northumbria University), Dr Sigrun Wagner (Royal Holloway, University of London), Prof Dr Petra Molthan-Hill (Nottingham Trent University), Dr Helen Goworek (Durham University)
10. Exploring Sustainable Futures Game
Cranfield’s Exploring Sustainable Futures Game is a role-playing learning experience that helps management students and business leaders to formulate their strategy in the context of the possible radical changes in economy, technology, and society along alternative pathways towards a more sustainable future by 2050, thinking about their long-term strategic options in the context of the wider system of societal actors. The board game version of the game used with Cranfield students has been recognised by the Financial Times as an example of best practice sustainability teaching in business schools, and a theatre-style format of the game was showcased at the COP26 conference in November 2021.
This PDW will offer participants a taste of this interactive and immersive learning journey to 2050 as they play an active role, representing the ‘public voice,’ in shaping the decisions of actors representing businesses, entrepreneurs, policy makers and civil society as they react to unfolding events, then reflecting on the world their actions have collectively created by 2050.
Together we will discuss how visiting the future with curiosity can inspire and empower people to take action in the present, and the range of specific learning outcomes this learning experience could be tailored to deliver. Participants will leave with an understanding of how they can make use of this impactful learning experience in their own institutions.
The workshop will facilitate collaboration between institutions relating to teaching and learning crucial sustainable leadership competencies, and the role of experiential learning interventions in facilitating this learning.
Presented by Cranfield University Dr Rosina Watson, Prof Hugh Wilson (Warwick Business School), Prof Emma Macdonald (Warwick Business School), Dr Orsolya Ihasz, Rosina Borrelli, Melody McLaren
11. The Engaged Scholarship Learning Lab – What Next?
Developing evidence-based approaches to tackling the big questions in organisations and society requires that researchers, practitioners, policy makers and communities exchange knowledge and develop/evidence skillfully. Engaged Scholarship enables this approach to research. In this PDW, Professor Julia Rouse will talk about the programme of work undertaken in the Engaged Scholarship Learning Lab to develop a community of practice and work with members of the British Academy of Management to vision next steps.
Presented by Prof Julia Rouse (Manchester Metropolitan University)
12. Ethics for AI and future digital society
The rapid technological innovations and developments with extensive use of AI have the potential to create ethical risks from various perspectives such as information transparency, ownership, accountability, equality among others at individual, organisational, and societal levels. In this workshop we aim to explore further the fundamental issues related to ethics for AI to understand the nature of the relationship between humans and technology.
This workshop is aimed at PhDs and early career scholars and will provide opportunities to network, learn from their peers and established scholars in the fields of Organisational Transformation, Change and Development; e-Business and e-Government; Strategy; International Business and International Management.
Presented by Dr S Asieh H Tabaghdehi (Brunel University London), Prof Ashley Braganza (Brunel University London), Prof Joseph Amankwah-Amoah (The University of Kent), Dr Pin Lean Lau (Brunel University London)
13. Developing research methods for research on diversity and inclusivity in business and management schools
EDI research within institutions requires a multifaceted research approach that captures the various levels that constitute organisational life, including micro-practices that exist on and within individual level discourse as well as macro-level cultural and organisational structures and systems that may even extend beyond the confines of the institution.
This PDW explores the complex methodological challenges associated with Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) research in higher education. The workshop draws on the learnings of two projects: Transparent and Resilient Gender Equality Through Integrated Monitoring, Planning and Implementation (TARGETED-MPI), a Horizon 2020 funded international research project, and BAM strategic research project Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Respect in UK Schools of Business and Management.
Presented by Dr Robyn Remke (Lancaster University)
14. Publishing Management Learning and Education Research: Meet the Editors and Paper Development Workshop
Management learning and education (MLE) is a well-established area of study. Yet many business school scholars remain unclear about the tweaks, differences in orientation and emphasis between journals in the field. This PDW will provide participants with general and one-to-one support and advice from Editors and Associate Editors of two leading, international journals this domain: Academy of Management Learning & Education, and Management Learning.
The workshop is split in two parts. First, editors introduce their journals followed by a discussion with the audience. This will enable participants to understand the differences between the journals and to more effectively orient their paper towards a specific outlet. The second part of the workshop is focused on manuscripts submitted ahead of the workshop, and on nascent manuscript ideas. The facilitators will offer feedback, in small groups, to help improve ideas and submitted manuscripts and to better address the readership of specific journals in the field.
For part 2, registered BAM attendees seeking feedback on their MLE work should a short version of their full paper (up to 15 pages all in) or a developmental paper as is, to [email protected] with the message header “For BAM PDW”, by 23 August 2022. The paper (which could be the same as a BAM track paper) should have a cover sheet including the authors’ names and affiliations.
Presented by Prof Paul Hibbert (University of St Andrews), Prof Martyna Sliwa (Durham University), Dr Oliver Laasch (The University of Manchester), Prof Clare Rigg (University of Suffolk)