2023 Conference

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The BAM2023 Conference will take place on the 1st September (virtual day) & 5th- 6th September in-person (with SIG networking activities and fringe events starting in the afternoon of 4th September) 2023 and will be hosted by the University of Sussex Business School, Jubilee, Arts Road, Falmer, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9RH


Towards Disruptive Sustainability: New Business Opportunities and Challenges

Driven by our vision and strategy on sustainability and continuous change, the theme for the BAM 2023 conference is “Towards Disruptive Sustainability: New Business Opportunities and Challenges”.  We use the provocative term ‘Disruptive Sustainability’ purposefully. While the debate on sustainability has received great attention in the last decade, scholars and practitioners tend to agree that sustainability objectives and practices should not only help improving our environment and societies but sustainability objectives can turn into disruptive business opportunities, and offer new avenues for growth and development in the future. It is therefore evident that a sustainability agenda necessitates the development of sustainable organizations. Yet, the properties and challenges in building sustainable business models have only recently been acknowledged in the academic literature. To create the necessary radical transformation of organizations, industries, and societies, the usual approaches of corporate philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and technological process and product innovation remain insufficient.

We will look at the following non exhaustive open issues:

  • The disruptive role of the most recent digital technological advancement, including machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), as an enabler for disruptive technologies.
  • The evolution of dynamic capabilities in addressing the new business imperatives (Peteraf et al., 2013); strategies of adoption and diffusion of sustainable business models across industries, business units and countries are the most appropriate; collaborations and knowledge exchange (Bogers et al., 2017); leadership and human resource engagement (Birkin et al., 2009), among others.
  • Digitalisation & sustainability. Most of the debate on the Fourth Industrial Revolution is linked to the opportunities for innovation-driven organizations. A key aspect to investigate further is the link between digitalization and sustainability. If the sustainability agenda dominates the policy and managerial debate, we need to explore how innovative business forms can be fostered by accelerated processes of digitalization (i.e., 3D printing).
  • Ideas on carbon accounting, green finance and green credentials.
  • The disruption of global value chains (GVCs) as a result of recent external shocks (i.e., Covid-19 pandemic) and the implications for de-localization of production processes. This is likely to results in new organizational practices that firms may implement to reduce uncertainty and manage risks. It is also likely to lead to more sustainable-oriented production processes. This in turn can lead to new geographies of work and production sites.
  • The link between sustainability and innovation. While sustainability is recognised as a 6th ‘long wave’ of innovation and significant opportunities emerge from sustainability, such as more efficient approaches to resource and energy management, there is still a limited understanding of the impact of sustainability business practices on business innovation.

We invite you to join us as at BAM 2023, our 37th Annual Conference, where business and management scholars, policy setters and business leaders will grapple with these issues. Join us and help us make a world of difference to management practice and theory and ensure that business and business schools can contribute to the necessary disruptive innovations.

Welcome Video from the Dean of University of Sussex Business School


KEY DATES (provisional)

5th December 2022: Call for Papers & PDWs

10th January 2023: Paper/PDW Submission Opens

10th March 2023:  Paper Submission Closes

28 April 2023: PDW Submission Closes

14th March 2023: Conference Registration Opens

28th April 2023: Authors Notified of Paper Acceptance Status

27th May 2023: Deadline for at least ONE author of a paper to register

16th June 2023: Final Paper Upload 


Conference Committee

  • Vassiliki (Vicky) Bamiatzi, Co-Chair, Professor of Strategy and International Business, University of Sussex Business School
  • Marianna Marra, Co-Chair, Reader in International Business and Innovation, Strategy & Marketing, University of Sussex Business School
  • Andrew Davies, RM Phillips Freeman Chair and Professor of Innovation Management, SPRU, University of Sussex Business School
  • Galina Goncharenko, Senior Lecturer in Accounting, University of Sussex Business School
  • Jeremy Hall, Professor of Innovation Studies SPRU, University of Sussex Business School
  • Zahira Jaser, Senior Lecturer in in Organisational Behaviour, University of Sussex Business School
  • Aristea Markantoni, University Head of Conferences and Events, University of Sussex Business School
  • Ruby Mae Scott, Research Communications & Events Assistant, University of Sussex Business School
  • Alice Toffs, Research Assistant, University of Sussex Business School
  • Cosmo Rana-Iozzi, Senior Research Communications & Events Coordinator, University of Sussex Business School
  • Justina Senkus, Head of Events & Operations, British Academy of Management 
  • Lewis Johnson, Conference and Communications Officer, British Academy of Management