BAM2024 Doctoral Symposium

Tuesday, 3rd September 2024, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, in-person only


Doctoral Symposium Logo





The Symposium will consist of plenary sessions along with methodology clinics, as well as opportunities to receive impartial expert advice on your research through either Research Conversations or Student Paper Presentation sessions led by senior academics from within the BAM community. We look forward to welcoming you to the BAM 2024 Doctoral Symposium at the Nottingham Business School.

We welcome all business and management doctoral researchers from all sub-disciplines to join us in person to attend workshops, plenaries, 1-on-1 Research Conversations and Paper Presentations.

Prof Graeme Currie

Prof Graeme Currie

Professor of Public Management, The University of Warwick

Graeme has always been concerned to generate a virtuous relationship between research income, building capacity amongst those that work with him to progress their academic careers, publication outputs, and most importantly impacting health and social care challenges. His work is thus necessarily interdisciplinary, particularly reaching across to clinical academics with whom he loves working, and collaborative with NHS and social care organisations. This has allowed him to draw down significant funding to support large scale research, including that associated with successive rounds of translational health research centres called CLAHRCs/ARCs funded by the National Institute of Health Research and leading a succession of studies funded by the National Institute of Health Research, and most recently the ESRC EXIT Study, focused upon delivery of care at different ends of the age spectrum, children and frail older patients. Increasingly, associated with this, he has engaged in large scale funded international studies, for example in India and Australia. While policy and practice impact represents his main priority, he continues to publish in leading journals, in business and management, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Organization Studies, in public administration, such as Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, and in health services, such as Social Science and Medicine, Implementation Science. Nevertheless, informed by work experience in his pre-academic life, Graeme remains essentially a practical person.

Research Interests
Leadership, knowledge mobilisation, innovation, strategic change, management learning, with a focus public services organisation and management (health and social care, education, police, local government)



The Agenda can be seen below:

BAM2024_DoctoralSymposium_Agenda (1).pdf


Frequently Asked Questions

Paper submissions

Q. Can I submit my paper / research conversation via the Conference submission site?

A. This is a separate submission process, different from that of the main conference. If you submitted a paper to the Conference, please use the same login details then click on the 'BAM2024 Doctoral Symposium' submission link. The link will only be available from the 25th March until the 6th of May 2024.

Q. Will my paper be published in the Conference proceedings?

A. Papers presented at the Doctoral Symposium will not be subject to review and will not be published in the proceedings.

Q. Can I submit the same paper I submitted to the Conference?

A. Please note that any paper which has been accepted at the Conference will not be allowed for the Doctoral Symposium. In these instances, students may wish to submit an alternative paper to the Doctoral Symposium.

Q. Do I have to attend the Doctoral Symposium day if I submit a paper?

A. All authors who submit will need to agree to attending the Doctoral Symposium in-person on 3rd September in order to have a chance to present their paper or research conversation, and receive feedback from a senior academic from the BAM community. If you cannot attend the Doctoral Symposium, you will not be allowed to submit.

General information

Q. Is there an opportunity to join the sessions online? 

A. This year, ALL Doctoral Symposium sessions will take place in-person at Nottingham Trent University. 

Q. Where can I access the full Delegate Programme for the day? 

A. The Programme will be sent to delegates closer to the day.

Q. I have already booked my ticket, but I want to register for the Doctoral Symposium Dinner. How can I do that? 

A. Go to my account - My Events - Conference booking - Add the Ticket. 

Q. Can I still attend the Doctoral Symposium even if I’m not presenting? 

A. Yes, registered non-presenters will be able to attend the full day and will have the choice to attend one of the Research Conversation and Paper Presentation sessions. 

Q. What is the dress code?

A. Business casual.

Paper Presentations and Research Conversations

Q. When and where will I be presenting on the day? 

A. The Programme will be sent to delegates closer to the day.

Q. How long will I have to present my Paper? 

A. The Paper Presentations session is a 1hour 30minutes roundtable session with 1-3 students presenting to 1 Mentor, an experienced senior academic. Each student will be asked to present for about 10 minutes, will receive feedback from their Mentor and will then engage in a Q&A session with the Mentor and audience.

Q. How long will I have to present my Research Conversation?

A. The Research Conversations session is a 1hour 30minutes roundtable session with 1-3 students presenting to 1 Mentor, an experienced senior academic. Each student will be asked to present for 5-10 minutes, will receive feedback from their Mentor and will then engage in a Q&A session with the Mentor and audience.

Q. Can I present slides within my Paper Presentation or Research Conversation presentation?

A. Slides are not required, it is up to you whether you present using PPT slides. There are AV facilities available in all rooms hosting Paper Presentation and Research Conversation sessions. Please bring any slides with you on a memory stick.

Slides should enhance your presentation but you should be equally confident presenting without them. Please be mindful of the time required by other Presenters in your session and limit your presentation slides to a maximum of 10 slides. 

Poster Presentations

Q. What size should my poster be printed for display? 

A. You will need to print your poster as A1 size in portrait format and bring it with you on the day. Please note, BAM will NOT be printing any posters.

Q. Where should I display my poster? 

A. This will be confirmed in due course. When you arrive at registration with your printed poster, please let the staff on the desk know that you are a Poster Presenter, and they will let you know where your poster display location is and how to display it. 

Q. How will I display my poster?

We will have large poster boards and velcro for you to use to display your poster.

Q. How long do I have to present my poster? 

A. Your poster will be displayed all day, but you should be present at its location during the morning break from 11:00-11:30 as the judging panel will be reviewing posters then and may ask you questions on your poster.

For further information, please see the Poster Presentation Guidelines, here: 

BAM2024_DS_Poster_Presentation_Guidelines (1).pdf

Registrations Fees

Doctoral Symposium Fees

  • Early Bird Conference and Doctoral Symposium combined: £225 (only available to student members - up until 31st July)*
  • Full Conference and Doctoral Symposium combined: £255 (only available to student members from 1st August)

 *If you wish to attend the Conference Gala Dinner it will need to be purchased as an add on to the above ticket : 

  • Early Bird Doctoral Symposium Student Rate: £115 (up until 31st July)
  • Full Doctoral Symposium Student Rate: £145 (from 1st August)

Please book your ticket here or at the top off this page on the Book Now button.

Please note, you will need to become a Member first to be able to book your tickets.

To become a Member, please follow the link here: Become a Member

Payment and Cancellation Policy

Payment for the event must be received before the start date of the event concerned. Access will not be permitted to the event if full payment has not been received. 


  • Cancellations received within 14 days of booking your place on the event will receive a full refund. 

  • Cancellations received after the 14-day cancellation period and later than 14 days before the start date of the event will not be eligible for a refund.  

  • Although we endeavour to run all events as advertised, BAM reserves the right to cancel any event if, for example, there are not enough people to justify running the event or if other significant unforeseen circumstances arise. Please be aware that delegates are always responsible for ensuring their own travel and accommodation against cancellation, and the British Academy of Management is not able to reimburse anyone for these under any circumstances.  

To cancel a booking a cancellation request must be submitted via your BAM Account, to do this:

  • Go to your BAM Account
  • Click 'My Events'
  • Under 'Upcoming Events' will be the booking, please click Cancel Booking
  • Follow the steps and complete the request