We are delighted to confirm the following plenary speakers for the BAM2024 Conference:
Founder, BM Caterers
Founder, BM Caterers
Wendy Bartlett is Founder of boutique contract caterer, BM Caterers (previously known as) Bartlett Mitchell. The philosophy is #fundamentally food (the fun is baked in) providing imaginative fabulous food and spot on service to create enduring relationships with customers, clients and the team.
Wendy and her business partner Ian Mitchell established bartlett mitchell in 2000 from the back bedroom of her house with just 2 phones and a desk. The formula worked, today the company operates at over 100 locations around the UK and has 1000+ staff and a turnover of nearly £65 million. Wendy is now semi-retired and in a more ambassadorial role in the business as there is an excellent team now running the company
In 2015 Wendy received an MBE for services to hospitality and was awarded a Foodservice Catey, the Oscars of the industry, for her dedication to food service.
Wendy loves eating, drinking and talking about food. And she is a complete aficionado on gin
Professor of Applied Criminology, University of Derby, UK
Professor of Applied Criminology, University of Derby, UK
Leadership, Transformation and Resilience Keynote Panel Lynn Saunders OBE is the the Head of Law and Social Sciences and a Professor of Applied Criminology. She has a professional background working in the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales, working in both prisons and in the community. Most recently as Governor of a large medium secure treatment site for people with sexual convictions, Professor Saunders co-founded a charity, (the Safer Living Foundation) in 2014 with the aim to prevent sexual (re) offending.
Wednesday 4th September
Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility, Bayes Business School, City, University London
Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility, Bayes Business School, City, University London
Sustainability and Humanity in Organisations Keynote Panel
Thursday 5th September 2024
Jean-Pascal Gond is a Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), City University London.
Before arriving at Bayes in 2012, he held various academic positions at HEC Montréal (University of Montréal, Canada) and at the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at Nottingham University Business School. He earned his PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Toulouse I (France), graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Cachan (1996), and was a recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship (2008). His research mobilizes organization theory and economic sociology to investigate corporate social responsibility (CSR). Key research programmes currently in progress on CSR include the roles of standards and metrics in the institutionalization of CSR in the financial marketplace and in corporations, the influence of CSR on employees, and the variations of CSR across varieties of capitalism. His research in economic sociology is concerned with the influence of theory on managerial practice, the governance of self-regulation, and the interplay of society’s commodification and markets’ socialization.
He has published in the fields of corporate responsibility and organization theory in leading academic journals such as Business Ethics Quarterly, Business and Society, Economy and Society, Human Relations, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies.
Professor , Nottingham Trent University
Professor , Nottingham Trent University
Sustainability and Humanity in Organisations Keynote Panel
Thursday 5th September 2024
Professor Petra Molthan-Hill, PhD is Co-Chair of the UN PRME Working Group on Climate Change, Professor at NBS (UK), Author of the 'Handbook of Carbon Management. A Step-by-Step Guide to High-Impact Climate Solutions for Every Manager in Every Function' and Editor of 'Sustainable Management. A Complete Guide for Faculty and Students' (3rd edition). She is an international multi-award-winning expert for Climate Change Mitigation Tools and leads the ‘Climate Literacy Training -CLT-ECOS' distributed worldwide with QS Impact and UN PRME, which won the QS Reimagine Education Award in Sustainability (Gold) in 2022. She has worked with SMEs and many other organizations such as the NHS on how to reduce GHG emissions. From 2013–2021, she led the Green Academy at NTU integrating with her team the SDGs into the curriculum of every discipline across all faculties.
Professor of Practice in Digital Innovation, Imperial College London
Professor of Practice in Digital Innovation, Imperial College London
As Industry adopts AI what should business school educators do?
A Panel Discussion on Integrating AI in Business Schools
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Dr. David Lefevre is Professor of Practice in Digital Innovation at the Imperial College Business School. Prior to this, David headed an award winning innovation team called the Edtech Lab. This team launched Imperial’s first online courses and currently delivers 220+ online modules including online degree programmers. David stepped down from this role in 2022 and is currently exploring on applications of AI to education with a focus on ‘human in the loop’ automated education systems.
In 2005, David was the founder of the digital publishing company Epigeum which currently supplies interactive courseware to 200+ universities globally and in 2018, co-founded the learning platform company Insendi together with his Imperial colleague Marc Wells. David is a Special Advisor at Study Group, a trustee for the British Council and is currently supporting the launch of Tutello, and AI Tutoring venture.
Research Director, MHR
Research Director, MHR
As Industry adopts AI what should business school educators do?
A Panel Discussion on Integrating AI in Business Schools
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Hannah Jeacock is Research Director at HR, payroll, and finance software provider MHR. In her role at the company, Hannah explores how new technology and ideas can bring value to MHR’s customers, employees, and the wider world of work. With nearly 20 years’ of experience in software and technology, she has worked in software engineering, management and leadership roles.
Hannah’s research focuses on topics such as the future of work, the implications of AI and automation, and improving the employee experience. Additionally, Hannah is a champion for Women in Tech and is involved in initiatives to support young people begin their career in tech.
The Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London to King Charles III
The Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London to King Charles III
Leadership, Transformation and Resilience Keynote Panel
Wednesday 4th September
Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE is Founder and Chairman of boutique technology merchant bank, Restoration Partners. His technology career spans over 40 years commencing with IBM and then as a senior executive at Wang Laboratories working in the UK, Belgium and the USA.
He has considerable public company Board-level experience on both sides of the Atlantic. The first British-born black man to be appointed as a Director of a FTSE 100 company (Reuters) he has also served on the Boards of Open Text, Thomson Reuters, Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation and several AIM-listed businesses. Today he chairs a portfolio of high potential technology businesses including Inogesis (home to the Virtual Technology Cluster), Interswitch (Nigeria’s leading payments company) and Proxymity – (digital investor communications platform) Interswitch.
Ken is equally committed to public service and has been an NHS Trust Director, an inaugural member of regulators, Postal Service Commission and IPSA (Independent Parliamentary Standard Authority); and a Governor of the Peabody Trust. He is the founder of the Aleto Foundation; President of Thames Reach (for which he received an OBE in 2010); Chairman of Shaw Trust; and President of London Youth. In 2015 Her Majesty the Queen, appointed him as her Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London. He was knighted in 2018 for services to business and philanthropy and in 2021 he was appointed High Bailiff and Searcher of the Sanctuary at Westminster Abbey and a Trustee of the Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund. On January 1st 2022, Ken becomes Chair of BusinessLDN (formerly known as London First.)
He captures his motivations in his official motto – ‘Do well. Do good.”
Managing Director of Economic, Social and Environmental Statistics Group, Office of National Statistics
Managing Director of Economic, Social and Environmental Statistics Group, Office of National Statistics
As Industry adopts AI what should business school educators do?
A Panel Discussion on Integrating AI in Business Schools
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Michael Keoghan leads the Economic, Social and Environmental Statistics Group (ESEG) in ONS.
Mike is responsible for ensuring ONS continues to produce the UK’s most important statistics about the economy and society, expanding our work on the environment and driving the transformation of economic statistics. Under the ESEG umbrella sit national accounts, labour market statistics, trade, public sector finances, prices, crime, subnational data and climate change statistics, amongst other key products.
Mike joined ONS in 2022, having transferred from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Most recently at BEIS, Mike was the Director of Analysis and their Chief Economist. He also held the role of Acting Director General for Business Sectors between 2020 and 2021, taking responsibility for the overall leadership of UK government policy for business, including delivering the EU Business readiness programme prior to EU Exit.
Mike begun his Civil Service career over twenty years ago. Prior to his time at BEIS, he held the role of Deputy CEO at the Institute for Apprenticeships, a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Education, and was the Director of Skills and Apprenticeships at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, where he’d previously held the post of Senior Economic Adviser.
Distinguished Professor, Monash Business School, Monash University, Australia
Distinguished Professor, Monash Business School, Monash University, Australia
Future of Work Panel Discussion
Monday 2nd September 2024
Fang Lee Cooke is a Distinguished Professor at Monash Business School, Monash University, Australia. Her research interests are in the areas of strategic HRM, knowledge management and innovation, diversity and inclusion management, digitalization and implications for employment and HRM; climate change, energy transition and the future of work; Sustainable Development Goals and the role of firms, including HRM.
Fang Lee Cooke’s recent research projects examine some of the tensions, challenges and implications associated with these topics for various key stakeholders such as the state, employers’ associations, trade unions, workers, and non-government organizations. She is currently involved in the project: ‘Digital Futures at Work Research Centre’ funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, UK: https://digit-research.org/.
Fang Lee Cooke is the recipient of the Dean’s Award for PRME Research Excellence (2018) and the Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (2011), Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Australia. She was also a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Scheme) Visiting Professor, Georg-August-Universität Goettingen, Germany (2016), and visiting professor at King’s College London (2022) and at the University of Sussex (2020-now).
Fang Lee Cooke is a panel member of the United Nations Environment Programme-International Sciences Council (UNEP-ISC), Foresight Expert Panel (2023-2024), and a member of the Research Review Panel, International Labour Organization (2024-).
Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan, USA
Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan, USA
Future of Work Panel Discussion
Monday 2nd September 2024
Andrew (Andy) Hoffman is the Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan; a position that holds joint appointments in the Stephen M. Ross School of Business and the School for Environment and Sustainability.
Professor of Health and Organizational Psychology, Nottingham Trent University
Professor of Health and Organizational Psychology, Nottingham Trent University
Future of Work Panel Discussion
Monday 2nd September 2024
Steven D. Brown is Professor of Health and Organizational Psychology at Nottingham Trent University and Visiting Lecturer at Copenhagen Business School. His research interests are around service-user experiences of inpatient mental health care, social remembering amongst ‘vulnerable’ groups, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and the application of process philosophy in the social sciences.
He is a trustee of the Design in Mental Health Network, UK (DIMHN), which supports user-centred design practices in mental health care delivery, and The Sociological Review Foundation, which promotes public sociology.
He has authored over 150 publications across a wide range of social sciences and humanities outlets and is author of Vital Memory and Affect: Living with a difficult past (2015, Routledge, with Paula Reavey), Psychology without Foundations: History, philosophy and psychosocial theory (2009, Sage, with Paul Stenner) and The Social Psychology of Experience: Studies in remembering and forgetting (2005, Sage, with David Middleton).
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Management Learning
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Management Learning
Decolonising the Business School Curriculum Keynote Panel
Monday 2nd September 2024
Martyna Sliwa is a Professor of Business Ethics and Organisation Studies as well as Associate Dean for Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability at Durham University Business School. She joined Durham University in January 2022. Prior to that, she worked – for a total of 20 years – at three different UK universities: University of Essex, Newcastle University and the University of Northumbria.
Contributing to the academic community has been a strong theme throughout her career. For a long time now, she has been actively involved in editorial work for a range of journals. She currently serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Management Learning. In addition, she is strongly committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in universities, and in particular in business schools. Since July 2020, she has been the Vice Chair of the British Academy of Management for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity.
In her research, she adopts an interdisciplinary, qualitative, humanities- and social sciences-based approach to studying management, organisations and the processes of organising. She is particularly interested in the multifaceted forms, intersections and implications of organisational diversity in the context of internationalisation and globalisation. Conceptually, her research has drawn from cultural studies, history, linguistics, literary theory, philosophy, sociology and translation studies. In recent years, the research projects she has been involved in have addressed the following areas: (1) languages, multilinguality and translation in organisations; (2) organisational diversity and inclusion, with a focus on gender and linguistic inclusion; (3) ethics of leadership; (4) global professional mobility and careers.
Finally, her teaching and supervision expertise covers a range of areas associated with business ethics and sustainability, management and organisation studies, and international management.Co-Vice Chair: Research and Publications
Co-Vice Chair: Research and Publications
Stephanie Decker, FAcSS, is Professor of Strategy and Deputy Dean at Birmingham Business School. She has contributed substantially to interdisciplinary research that draws on historical knowledge to expand and problematise management knowledge.
This research stream was recognised in the REF 2022 panel report for its contribution to the theoretical sophistication of business history. Her work spans methodological and theoretical issues, as well as empirical research on the role of international business in global contexts that are often underrepresented in business research, such as Africa. She has been joint editor-in-chief of Business History since 2020.
As co-Vice Chair for Research & Publications at the British Academy of Management, she has developed BAM’s Open Access strategy to support the continued excellence of our journals, British Journal of Management and International Journal of Management Reviews, as well as supporting the further development of the BAM research grants scheme.
She co-authored the BAM Guide to Decolonizing the Business School Curriculum with the BAM Vice Chair for Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity & Respect and continues to champion interdisciplinary research in business, management and beyond
Chair, Entrepreneurship in Minority Groups (ISBE)
Chair, Entrepreneurship in Minority Groups (ISBE)
Dr King Omeihe is Senior Lecturer of Marketing and Small Business at the University of the West of Scotland. He holds the position of President at the Academy for African Studies and Chair of Ethnic Minority Groups at the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
His research interest in economic sociology examines the role of markets and the emergence of economic institutions. Much of this work is centrally concerned with understanding how institutional arrangements are interpreted across contexts. This includes examining the reflexive basis of reputation in multiplex networks, identifying the sources of trust in low-trust societies, and examining networks and their sources of cooperation.
He is a selected fellow of the West African Transitional Justice Centre and serves as a Senior Economic Advisor at the Marcel House.
Assoc. Professor of Organisation Studies , Sao Paulo School of Business Adminsitration FGV EAESP, Brazil
Assoc. Professor of Organisation Studies , Sao Paulo School of Business Adminsitration FGV EAESP, Brazil
Decolonising the Business School Curriculum Keynote Panel
Monday 2nd September 2024
Amon Barros is an Associate Professor of Organisation Studies at FGV EAESP, Brazil. His research focuses on historical organisation studies, the impacts of business on society, and the construction of managerial knowledge. His works have appeared in various journals, and he is currently serving as an associate editor for Management Learning and Management and Organisational History.
Domberger Professor of Management at Tel Aviv University, President of the Academy of Management
Domberger Professor of Management at Tel Aviv University, President of the Academy of Management
Professor Peter A. Bamberger is the Domberger Professor of Management at Tel Aviv University’s Coller School of Management, and Research Director of Cornell’s Smithers Institute.
His research examines rewards management, teamwork, and employee wellbeing. Author of several books including Human Resource Strategy (Taylor & Francis, 2024) and Exposing Pay (Oxford, 2023), Bamberger has published over 100 referred journal articles. An elected Fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Academy of Management, he served as an associate editor of Academy of Management Journal, and editor-in-chief of Academy of Management Discoveries.
He currently serves as President of the Academy of Management.
Co-Vice Chair: Research and Publications, Queen Mary, University of London
Co-Vice Chair: Research and Publications, Queen Mary, University of London
Sustainability and Humanity in Organisations Keynote Panel Chair
Thursday 5th September 2024
Nelarine Cornelius is Professor of Organisation Studies, the Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity and the Organisation Studies Research Group in the School of Business and Management, Queen Mary, University of London. She is a researcher and policy advisor in the areas of international management, business ethics and human resource management.
She is Associate Editor of Journal of Business Ethics and Deputy Editor of the journal Business and Society. Professor Cornelius is Vice-President of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and trustee of National Life Stories, an independent charitable trust within the Oral History section of the British Library.
Her work has been recognised by various institutions, including Fellowships of the British Academy of Management, Academy of Social Sciences and the Royal Academy of Arts. Currently, she acts as an academic adviser to the Welsh Government.
The Cooper Medal for Outstanding Leadership and Contribution
The Cooper Medal for Outstanding Leadership and Contribution
Leadership, Transformation and Resilience Keynote Panel Chair
Wednesday 4th September
Greg J. Bamber is a British-Australian Professor, Department of Management and Director, International Consortium for Research in Employment & Work, Monash Business School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. He is also Research Theme Lead: Future of Work @ Monash Data Futures Institute.
He has received numerous awards and has served as President of several academies including: Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management. He is a Fellow of several academies including ANZAM, BAM, Academy of Social Sciences; Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia; Australian Human Resources Institute; Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
He was educated at University (U) of Manchester, London School of Economics and Heriot-Watt U, Edinburgh. He was formerly an academic at Durham U, UK and also in Australia at Queensland U; Queensland U of Technology (Director, Australian Research Council (ARC) Key Centre in Strategic Management); Griffith U (Dean/Director, Graduate School of Management). He has been appointed as a visiting professor by a range of business schools including Nottingham Business School.
He has served on several boards in the fields of education, healthcare and sport, as well as on more than 20 editorial boards for international journals. Many universities and conferences have invited him to give presentations. He has more than 200 publications. He has helped to lead many research projects funded by the ARC and the UK Economic and Social Research Council. International agencies (e.g. International Labour Organization), governments and enterprises have commissioned him to conduct research projects or to be an advisor on work organisation, HR or industrial relations.
He has conducted research in many sectors including aviation, agriculture, building, chemicals, education, electronics, engineering, finance, health, hotels, infrastructure, mining, the public sector, railways, restaurants, retailing, tourism, telecommunications, manufacturing, universities and unions as well as a range of enterprises. He is also cited in the media. For more, see The Conversation, Linkedin, Orcid, Twitter, Who's Who in Australia, YouTube.
Associate Professor, Trinity College Dublin
Associate Professor, Trinity College Dublin
As Industry adopts AI what should business school educators do?
A Panel Discussion on Integrating AI in Business Schools
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Associate Professor, Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin and Chair of the Management Education and Development (MED) division of the Academy of Management.
Professor of Strategic Human Capital , King's Business School, King’s College London
Professor of Strategic Human Capital , King's Business School, King’s College London
Future of Work Panel Discussion
Monday 2nd September 2024
Dana Minbaeva is a Professor of Strategic Human Capital at King's Business School, King’s College London, UK. She also has a part-time appointment at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and works as an affiliate faculty at London Business School, UK. Professor Minbaeva published over 70 articles in international peer reviewed journals, numerous book chapters and reports. Her research on strategic and international HRM has appeared in such top international journals as Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, and many others
Professor Minbaeva is the Fellow of the Academy of International Business (AIB). She received several national and international awards to research achievements, including the prestigious JIBS Decade Award 2013. Currently, Professor Minbaeva serves as an Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Review.
Professor Minbaeva is actively involved in the MBA and executive teaching at various European business schools. Previously, she has taught in Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Russia, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, Finland and Germany as well as having held visiting research positions in Ireland, Australia and Canada.
Dana is a founder and research partner of Nordic Human Capital Advisory ApS