Project Repository
Current Grant Schemes

Funded Transitions 1 projects
The Transitions 1 Research Grant Scheme is aimed at Academy members who are early in their career who hold a PhD and wish to develop an empirical research project that advances business and management scholarship and improves their research capacities.

Funded Transitions 2 projects
The Transitions 2 Research Grant Scheme is aimed at Academy members who are experienced researchers and who wish to develop an empirical research project that advances business and management scholarship and develops their research capacities in an empirical or intellectual domain.

Funded MKE projects
This Scheme is aimed at Academy members who want to propose a research project that informs scholarly debate around management knowledge and education (MKE). Research projects should contribute to theoretical and philosophical understandings that inform the practice of management educators.

Funded SAMS-BAM projects
This scheme, provided by the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) in collaboration with BAM, is aimed at researchers who want to develop an empirical research project that enables capacity building, produces novel conceptual outcomes, and demonstrates the social value of management research in the public interest.

Funded BAM-ANZAM projects
The purpose of this Scheme is to support and advance international research collaborations between management researchers in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. The scheme is based on a partnership between British Academy of Management (BAM) and the Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM).

Funded BAM-IAM projects
The purpose of this Scheme is to support and advance international research collaborations between management researchers in Ireland and the UK. The scheme is based on a partnership between British Academy of Management (BAM) and the Irish Academy of Management (IAM).

Funded BAM-SIMA projects
The purpose of this Scheme is to support and advance international research collaborations between management researchers in Italy and the UK. The scheme is based on a partnership between British Academy of Management (BAM) and Società Italiana di Management (SIMA).
Previous Grant Schemes

Funded Researcher Development Grants (2013)
This previous grant scheme encouraged and supported research activities with the ambition of advancing business and management scholarship through empirical research for Academy members.