Funded MKE projects

This Scheme is aimed at Academy members who want to propose a research project that informs scholarly debate around management knowledge and education (MKE). Research projects should contribute to theoretical and philosophical understandings that inform the practice of management educators.


2023-Xue Zhou

An investigation of the effectiveness of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) in reducing the attainment gap in business analytics study


2019-Carol Jarvis

Developing an entrepreneurial mindset: The impact of team learning


2019-Ian Stewart

Beneath the surface in experiential education – evaluation of the real costs in a large-class, international, Higher Education context

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2019-Kate Black

Inter-generational knowledge creation, curation and circulation


2017-Claire Collins

Transitions From Expert Practitioner To Apprentice Scholar: The Journey Through Liminality


2017-Oyegoke Teslim Bukoye

Assessing the value of capstone unit in developing critical thinking skills in MSc students

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2017-Paul Ellwood

Relational Management Education: Embedding the Practice of Scholarship Within the Everyday Practice of DBA Graduates


2015-Carole Elliott

Gender and Diversity in Management Education


2015-Rebecca Stratling

Understanding the evolution of operational routines in emergency incident response handling