SAMS/BAM Grant Scheme 2025

The Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) and British Academy of Management (BAM)
SAMS/BAM Research and Capacity Building Grant Scheme 2025
The Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) and the British Academy of Management (BAM) are pleased to announce the launch of the fourth round of funding for the SAMS/BAM Research and Capacity Building Grant Scheme.
The scheme partnership strengthens the commitment of both organisations to support management research and promote capacity building.
The SAMS-BAM Research and Capacity Building grants, worth up to £75,000 for one project in 2025, are aimed at UK-based researchers who want to boost their research capacity and/or network within and beyond academia by:
- extending or adding a new dimension to a substantial existing research project.
- undertaking a substantial new research project highlighting the social value of management research on their own or with a small team of co-investigators.
- connecting with other scholars across disciplines to produce collaborative outputs or build an interdisciplinary and/or international investigator team as a foundation for further research.
We particularly welcome applications:
- from interdisciplinary and/or international investigator teams; investigator teams involving members from underrepresented ethnic groups, countries, or regions; and investigator teams involving practitioners.
- for which other funding (at least in-kind) from the Principal Investigator’s employing institution and/or a third party has been secured.
- in which a long-term trajectory of research is apparent.
The maximum value of the award is £75,000. The duration of projects will be between 18 months (minimum) and 24 months (maximum). It is expected that one project will be funded in this fourth funding round.
The intention of the scheme is to widen access of opportunity, boost the grant holders’ careers and increase the diversity and inclusivity of management research in accordance with BAM’s commitment to EDIR. Applications may address this in various ways, including by proposing an interdisciplinary research project if appropriate. Priority will be given to proposals with clear and effective publication, dissemination and impact plans.
Principal Investigators must be based at a UK HE institution and will normally be located in a School of Management or Business. Co-Investigators (where appropriate) may be based in HE institutions outside the UK or in industry (including third sector organisations). HE institutions will be limited to submitting one application (as host institution/Principal Investigator) in response to each scheme call.
The Principal Investigator and any Co-Investigator(s) who are based in Schools of Management or Business must be BAM Members at the time of application and have active BAM membership for the duration of the project. It is a condition of award that the research findings are presented as a full paper at a BAM annual conference during the funding period.
Applicants are advised to read the SAMS/BAM Research and Capacity Building Guidance for Applicants 2025 document, available below, before making an application to the Scheme.
** Current members of BAM Executive, SAMS Council and/or the Grant Award Committee are not eligible to apply as Principal Investigators or be named as Co-Investigators **

SAMS and BAM grants scheme 2025 slides information session 15.11.2024.pdf
If you have any questions about any of the grant schemes, please contact the BAM Grants Administrator, Stuart Hull here: [email protected]
- Thursday 3rd October 2024: Call launch, funding documents and online application form available on BAM grants portal
- Friday 15th November 2024 (13:00 UK time): optional information session – a recording will be available for anyone who cannot attend
- Thursday 9th January 2025: Optional deadline for pre-submission application administrative check for eligibility, previously submitted applications, (by email to Stuart Hull). Feedback will be provided within 2 weeks of this deadline.
- Thursday 30th January 2025 (17:00 UK time): Deadline for applicants to submit their application for Head of Department/School/Institutional approval
- Thursday 6th February 2025 at 17:00 (UK time): Deadline for nominated Heads of Department/Schools or other institutional approvers to approve the application in the BAM grants portal
- May/June 2025 (date tbc): interviews for shortlisted project teams
- Monday 1st September 2025: Earliest start date for awarded project
Full Applications must be submitted electronically via the BAM rants portal. You can register for a user account now at:
You are advised to submit your application before the final deadline day to avoid any technical problems. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
This optional information session was held in November 2024 with the aim to help applicants to understand more about the grant scheme, hear about the benefits of applying to the scheme, and to understand the application process and timeline and common application errors.
For any questions on the scheme, or to request access to the recording, please contact the British Academy of Management Grants Administrator, Stuart Hull, at [email protected]
Previously Awarded projects:
Press release for 2020 funding round awarded projects
Press release for 2021 funding round awarded project
Press release for 2024 funding round awarded project