Strategic Projects

In our published strategy BAM2024 – Building on Excellence  – we set out 10 strategic aims. One of these is ‘To commission and deliver research that matters to our key stakeholder communities’. This builds on our knowledge that we are uniquely well placed to look at some key issues and also on our success in delivering research. In 2017, in collaboration with the CMI, we produced and published Delivering Diversity: race and ethnicity in the management pipeline , which used insights from Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) scholarship to investigate the under-representation of BAME individuals in key roles within UK business, working mostly with FTSE100 companies, and making clear recommendations for action.

In 2020 the BAM Executive has commissioned two new strategic projects:

  1. Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect in Business and Management Higher Education Institutions

From its beginnings, inclusion, equality and diversity have been at the centre of our learned society’s values, but we, along with others, face many challenges. The purpose of this research project has been to build knowledge and understanding, and to propose best practice and policy recommendations for effectively addressing issues related to equality and diversity, inclusion and respect (EDIR) in HE business and management schools. The project incorporates a State-of-the-Art literature review, secondary HESA data analysis, and ethnographic data collection and analysis.

Read the final report here

The project has been led by Professor Martyna Sliwa of Durham University, and BAM Vice Chair for EDIR. More information can be found here 


  1. Mental health and wellbeing policies and practices: the lived experiences of academics in UK Business Schools

The primary focus of mental health and wellbeing research and policy development in UK universities has been students: studies of the wellbeing of academics are fewer. In this project, the aims are first, to review wellbeing policies in British universities. Secondly, to investigate wellbeing experiences and challenges faced by business schools with a view to developing policy guidance for academics, and those who lead and manage them.

The project is being led by Professor Nelarine Cornelius (Queen Mary, University of London and BAM Vice Chair for Research & Publications) and Dr Anne Clare Gillon (University of the West of Scotland and elected member of BAM Council).  More information can be found here