Academy of Management Perspectives - Open access edition - Doomsday Scenarios: Managing in the Age of Black Swans
This is to announce publication of the Dynamic Edition of the November 2020 Academy of Management Perspectives special issue, "Doomsday Scenarios: Managing in the Age of Black Swans."
The multimedia-rich issue features:
- Unique cover art
- From The Editor
- 9 scholarly articles
- 1 editor podcast
- 2 author audio clips
- 7 Insights summaries
- 6 Insights videos
- 1 Insights infographic
You can check out the Dynamic Edition, which will be open access for the remainder of 2020, here:
AMP Editor Phillip H. Phan and Associate Editor Geoffrey Wood wrote this brief description of the special issue:
Perhaps the most overused term to describe 2020 has been "Black Swan." Mention Black Swan and many people think of surprising events with world-changing consequences. This special issue of Academy of Management Perspectives, conceived in 2018, focuses on world-changing events and their consequences for managers and business leaders. Unexpected shocks are often products of people's activities and companies' choices, making them not quite so unexpected. COVID-19, which spread as this special issue was being developed, has revealed what we got right and wrong in our thinking about such events. This special issue covers subjects including:
- how teams might work in a zombie apocalypse
- organized violence during social strife
- disease pandemics and antibiotic resistance
- the global refugee crisis
- how fear of megacatastrophes affects would-be entrepreneurs
- a post-COVID-19 world