A British Academy of Management-funded research project exploring experiences, tensions, barriers and coping mechanism to meaningful work and wellbeing
Who should attend: Colleagues interested in EDI, work, wellbeing, disability, intersectionality, and responsible business
Date: 15th of April 2025
Time: 10.30am to 12.30
Location: Via Teams:
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 341 728 600 60
Passcode: 7of2uQ3t
Professor Nic Burton (Head of Department, LHRM) and Dr Padmali Rodrigo (Associate Professor in Marketing) are nearing completion of a British Academy of Management (BAM)-funded research project where they explored experiences, tensions, barriers and coping mechanism to meaningful work and wellbeing.
This event serves two purposes:
The external speakers are:
Please forward to colleagues across other Faculties that may be interested.