An intersectional perspective to meaningful/less work: Disabled academics in UK universities

A British Academy of Management-funded research project exploring experiences, tensions, barriers and coping mechanism to meaningful work and wellbeing

06 Mar 2025

Who should attend: Colleagues interested in EDI, work, wellbeing, disability, intersectionality, and responsible business

Date: 15th of April 2025
Time: 10.30am to 12.30
Location: Via Teams:

Microsoft Teams

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Meeting ID: 341 728 600 60
Passcode: 7of2uQ3t

Professor Nic Burton (Head of Department, LHRM) and Dr Padmali Rodrigo (Associate Professor in Marketing) are nearing completion of a British Academy of Management (BAM)-funded research project where they explored experiences, tensions, barriers and coping mechanism to meaningful work and wellbeing.

This event serves two purposes:

  • To disseminate initial findings and possible policy interventions;
  • To hear from two external world-leading Scholars in the discipline of meaningful work.

The external speakers are:

  • Dr Evgenia Lysova, who is currently at Vrije University, Amsterdam, is a high-profile scholar in meaningful work who has published in the highest-esteem journals such as Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, Human Relations and Journal of Business Ethics, to name a few. Evgenia regularly edits special issues such as Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Vocational Behaviour and currently at the International Journal of Human Resource Management with myself. You will also see that Evgenia has published on calling, micro-CSR, careers, and social and psychological capital.
  • Dr Knut Laaser, who is currently at Kings College. is a high-profile scholar in sociology and meaningful work who has published in the highest-esteem journals such as Management Learning, International Journal of Management Reviews, Work Employment and Society, and International Journal of Human Resource Management. Knut also regularly edits special issues such as Work Employment & Society and currently at the International Journal of Human Resource Management. Knut has also a strong profile in research relating to negative workplace behaviours, moral economy, industrial relations, industrial economics, ethics of care, and labour.

Please forward to colleagues across other Faculties that may be interested.