06 Apr 2023

Call for Abstracts: Post-Experience Education Symposium at the BAM2023 Conference

We are writing to invite you to the 2nd Post-Experience Education Symposium that will be held as part of the 37th BAM Conference on Towards Disruptive Sustainability: New Business Opportunities and Challenges at Sussex Business School, 1st September - 6th September.

The 2nd Post-Experience Education Symposium at BAM will focus on Defining the scholarship of Post-Experience Education. The Post-Experience Working Group (P-EEWG) has been meeting monthly since its conception in June 2020, and has been articulating and discussing the boundaries of Post-Experience Education in an attempt to capture all various parameters that are involved when the experience of learners and educators take centre stage in education. Most importantly, we aim to hold the 2nd Post Experience Education at BAM because, as a learner population, post-experience learners can operationalise their education in ways which both reinforce dominant social inequalities but also shape new social purpose and define the direction of social transformation (please see Merrill, 2004). As such, they are a learner population which both sustains and disrupts social order, giving rise to new business challenges and opportunities. The advancement of the scholarship of Post-Experience Education is therefore timely, and also increasingly significant at a time when business, and also humanity, is seeking to address Grand Challenges, such as climate change, world hunger and poverty, to name but a few.

In preparation for the 2nd Post-Experience Education Symposium, the P-EEWG has prepared the following set of activities to ensure that authors who aim to present their work at the Symposium have sufficient support from the working group.


Timeline of activities leading up to the 2nd Post-Experience Education Symposium

2 December 2022:         P-EEWG Writing re-retreat, face-to-face at UCL

12 January 2023:           P-EEWG monthly meeting, 16:00 – 16:45

2 March 2023:               P-EEWG monthly meeting, 16:00 – 16:45

23 March 2023:             P-EEWG monthly meeting, 16:00 – 16:45

12 April 2023:              P-EEWG Study Group, 15:30 – 17:00 – to study key literature on post-experience education –Focus: What is this thing called ‘experience’ that education is ‘post-’?

18 April 2023:              P-EEWG Study Group, 15:30 – 17:00 – to study key literature on post-experience education – Focus: Andragogy and critiques of andragogy

27April 2023:               P-EEWG Study Group, 15:30 – 17:00 – to study key literature on post-experience education – Focus: Post-experience education: The 1974 UNESCO report

27 April 2023:               P-EEWG monthly meeting, 16:00 – 16:45

20 June 2023:               P-EEWG Paper Development Workshop, 10:00 – 14:00 – to discuss and advance paper submissions to the 2nd Post-Experience Education Symposium

29 June 2023:                P-EEWG monthly meeting, 16:00 – 16:45

5-6 September 2023:     2nd Post-Experience Education Symposium, TBC, BAM Conference  

To become a member of P-EEWG and/or join any of these sessions, please contact the symposium chairs at [email protected],  [email protected] and [email protected]

At the time of this call it is anticipated that papers presented at the symposium will be considered for publication in a forthcoming handbook of Post-Experience Education, published in 2024 by Palgrave Macmillan.

The Post Experience Education Working Group is a collaborative initiative between the Knowledge and Learning Special Interest Group, the Management Knowledge and Education arm and the Leadership and Leadership Development Special Interest Group at BAM. The aim of the working group is to help articulate the boundaries of Post-Experience Education, where the aspirational, linguistic, familial, social, navigational, resistant capital (please see Yosso, 2005) that students and educators have built over their professional career and their life journeys become the cornerstone of the learning experience in the class. Since 2020, the P-EEWG has grown from 17 to 42 BAM members from universities and business schools across the UK and internationally with first-hand, lifelong experience in Post-Experience Education and works on addressing openly the learning needs of students and educators involved in Post-Experience Education. Post-Experience Education includes, but is not limited to: Senior Leadership Apprenticeships, Open Programmes and Continuous Professional Development (CPD), Executive Education (credit and non-credit bearing programmes) and MBAs (Full-time, Part-Time, Distance Learning).

About the Post-Experience Education Symposium

The Post-Experience Education Symposium will involve a combination of paper presentations and interactive discussion that aim to shape the scholarship in Post-Experience Education. Conceptual, developmental and empirical papers are invited that address (but are not limited to) the following themes:

Themes that were identified at the P-EEWG Retreat and are relevant to the theme of the BAM conference include:

  • The history of Post Experience Education
  • Defining the purpose and research gaps in the scholarship of Post Experience Education
  • Defining experience as the cornerstone of Post Experience Education
  • Defining the map of Post-Experience Education (classifications and typologies)
  • Defining the identity and expectations of Post Experience Education stakeholders (learners, educators and other stakeholders)
  • Defining the drivers and tensions of Post Experience Education
  • Defining professional paths in Post Experience Education (incl. micro-certification)
  • Defining paths to market for Post Experience Education
  • Defining power and political relationships in Post Experience Education
  • Defining the ethics in Post Experience Education
  • Defining the barriers of Post Experience Education
  • Defining the context of Post Experience Education
  • Defining the market value of Post Experience Education for various stakeholders
  • Defining the technologies of Post Experience Education
  • Defining the andragogy of Post Experience Education
  • Defining time in Post Experience Education
  • Comparative studies in Post Experience Education

Papers submissions should follow the BAM guidelines, and there is an extended submission deadline of Monday 31 July 2023. The chairs of the Post-Experience Education are Efrosyni Konstantinou, Mike Kennard and Christian Harrison.

Important dates:

Mon 8 May 2023:          Submission of Extended Abstract (1,500 - 3,000 words)

Fri 2 June 2023:            Feedback on Abstracts

Tue 20 June 2023:         P-EEWG Online Paper Development Workshop – to discuss and advance paper submissions to the 2nd Post-Experience Education Symposium

Mon 31 July 2023:        Final Paper Submission for presentation at the BAM conference


Please submit proposed abstracts directly to the symposium chairs at [email protected],  [email protected] and [email protected].

We very much hope that you will join us for this symposium. If you would like to attend the symposium but are not submitting an abstract, please email the chairs. We look forward to seeing you at the symposium!


Barbara Merrill (2004) Biographies, class and learning: the experiences of adult learners, Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 12:1, 73-94, DOI: 10.1080/14681360400200190.

Tara J. Yosso (2005) Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth, Race Ethnicity and Education, 8:1, 69-91, DOI: 10.1080/1361332052000341006