Dr Richard L. Gruner named as winner of IJMR Best Reviewer Award 2023

The IJMR Best Reviewer Award is an annual prize which acknowledges the outstanding contribution of one reviewer whose insightful and supportive feedback has helped authors substantially improve their papers.

25 Jun 2024

We are delighted to announce Dr Richard L. Gruner from The University of Western Australia as the winner of the International Journal of Management Reviews 2023 Best Reviewer Award. Dr Gruner’s insightful and supportive guidance has enabled authors to substantially improve their papers. We thank Dr Gruner for his outstanding feedback and continued support.

What is the Best Reviewer Award?

The IJMR Best Reviewer Award is an annual prize which acknowledges the outstanding contribution of one reviewer whose insightful and supportive feedback has helped authors substantially improve their papers. The prize is voted for by the Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors.

What Does the Winning Reviewer Receive?

  • £250
  • A certificate
  • All of our reviewers receive free 60-day access to IJMR and BJM

Previous Winners:

2022: Frederik Dahlmann

2021: Rudolf Sinkovics

2020: Giovanna Campopiano

2019: Mairi Maclean

2018: Nancy Harding and Christian Hopp

2017: Andrey Pavlov and Ignacio Requejo

2016: Sandra Corlett

2015: Gareth Edwards

2014: Martin Friesl and Douglas Cumming

2013: Mike Zundel

2012: Julia Richardson

2011: Dermot Breslin