Two seminars where projects that received flexible funding will be presenting their findings on how to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 in the research & innovation ecosystem.
The EDI Caucus – funded by UKRI and the British Academy – are hosting two seminars where projects that received flexible funding and will be presenting their findings on how to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 in the research & innovation ecosystem.
On 19 February 2025 from 12:30 - 14:00, a seminar will be presented, focusing on mental health in the research & innovation ecosystem. A flexible fund project led by Professor Dulini Fernando, and another researcher – Dr Hadar Elraz – unrelated to EDICa but also researching mental health of women in academia, will be presenting their findings.
Find out more information from the Flyer here.
On 12 March 2025 from 13:30 - 15:30, EDI Caucus are hosting a symposium of the remaining three flexible fund projects presenting their findings. Dr Kamna Patel and her team will discuss closing the degree grade awarding gap for Black and other minoritised students. Dr Beldina Owalla and her team will discuss the impact the pandemic had on early career researchers. And Dr Preethi Premkumar and her team will discuss the impact the pandemic had on the career progress of disabled researchers in intersection with race, gender and caring responsibility.