The International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) is seeking a new Co-Editor-in-Chief to succeed Professor Joaquín Alegre.
The International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) – an official journal of the British Academy of Management (BAM) - is seeking a new Co-Editor-in-Chief to succeed Professor Joaquín Alegre, who reaches the end of his term of office on 31 December 2025. The appointee will work alongside the existing Editor-in-Chief team of Professor Ashish Malik and Professor Alexandra Beauregard to support its significant growth and innovative development as a publisher of review articles that advance theory.
We would also like to take this opportunity to extend our thanks to Professor Jamie Callahan who has recently finished her term of office. We are immensely grateful to both Professor Callahan and Professor Alegre for all they have done – and continue to do – to build the journal’s standing and reputation during their terms as Editors-in-Chief.
This is a particularly exciting time in the life of the journal. Since its launch more than 20 years ago, IJMR has become well established within the wider research community. The journal’s current 2-year impact factor is 7.5 with 12.3 after 5 years. This puts IJMR 30/302 for business and 32/401 for management research categories globally in an environment where the number of journals in both categories has once again increased.
The journal’s popularity with readers continues to grow with 923,350 full text views in 2024, and its readership is global in its reach. The journal received 597 manuscripts in 2024, a 9% increase on the number received in 2023. The average time for first decisions (which is accept, revise & resubmit, or reject after the first round of review) is 90 days. The average time for desk rejection is 10 days. Reflecting the increase in submissions, we have enlarged the Associate Editor team.
Recent innovations within IJMR include two rolling special sections. Debate Essays continue conversations within the journal, allowing authors to comment and critique on papers published within the three most recent journal issues, extending IJMR’s role as a review journal which develops theory, which is seen within the community as an important research vehicle going forward. Second, Methodology review articles aim to fill a gap in current publication outlets for papers which seek to advance literature review methodology, following recent calls for further research in this area.
The Co-Editors-in-Chief work collaboratively and strive to share the work of the journal equally. We are looking for someone who is able to join the team in autumn 2025.
It is essential for the appointee to:
BAM aims to support the publication of BAM-badged high-quality journals for the benefit of membership and the wider community.
Application should be made by sending a CV and covering letter to Jack Harrington CEO, British Academy of Management at [email protected] by noon (UK time) on Wednesday 30 April 2025.
All applications will be treated confidentially.
The interviews with the BAM Research and Publications Sub-Committee appointments panel will take place via videoconference in early June 2025.
We very much welcome prior, informal conversations with individuals who are interested in applying for this role. Please contact Professor Pawan Budhwar ([email protected]).
The appointment is for 3 years, renewable once by mutual agreement.
Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity and Respect are core values and we particularly welcome applications from under-represented groups.
The British Academy of Management
The British Academy of Management was founded in 1986 and is the leading community for management scholars. The organisation has a current membership of over 2,200 individuals, about 30% of whom are based in over 50 countries.
BAM provides a variety of training and development workshops and programmes for academics at various stages of their career. A 3-day annual conference and 1-day Doctoral Symposium are also held in September at various locations within the UK. Revenue is generated primarily from the two journals, the annual conference, and other training and development activities.
The Academy also has a significant role in representing the community to government and research councils and has established links with several related organisations both in the UK and internationally.
Further information about the journal may be found on its dedicated webpages at: