JISC External Examiner Advert for a Subject External Examiner

The University of South Wales is seeking to appoint a Subject External Examiner to oversee our Postgraduate provision in Applied Health Leadership.

06 Mar 2025

The University of South Wales is seeking to appoint a Subject External Examiner to oversee our Postgraduate provision in Applied Health Leadership

The appointment will commence this academic year for a tenure period of four years. All External Examiner appointments are subject to approval by the University External Examiner Approval Panel; therefore, you must not have had any formal links with the University of South Wales (or its partner institutions) within the last five years. 

Role Requirements: (further details of the module duties will be provided prior to formal application or on request)  

  • Comment on the content of the subject area particularly with regard to subject benchmarks;  
  • Examine assessment briefs, exam papers and student work to ensure academic standards and achievements of students are comparable with those in other UK higher education establishments of which the external examiner has experience;
  • Provide informative comment and recommendations on whether the assessment process measures student achievement rigorously and fairly against the intended outcomes of the programme/s and is conducted in line with the relevant policies and regulations;
  • Attend assessment dialogue meetings during the year and submit an annual report;
  • Engage in communication with the academic and course team.

Please note that External Examiners are required to engage with assessment of both theory and practice elements of the programme where relevant. Previous experience as an External Examiner is not necessary as the University is able to provide mentorship to the successful applicants. 

Please forward expressions of interest, together with your CV by 31st March 2025 to:

[email protected] (Sian Jenkins - Course Lead)
[email protected] (Adam Poole - Head of Subject).