Message From Our New Chair, Professor Emma Parry FBAM
I am both proud and excited to be taking up the role of Chair of the British Academy of Management from 1 January 2023. My relationship with BAM has matured alongside my academic career – from presenting developmental papers and hosting the BAM HR SIG workshop to joining Council, convening the Doctoral Symposium, and more recently acting as Vice-Chair for Academic Affairs of Conferences and Capacity Building.
Largely due to the work of Katy Mason (who now becomes president) and Nic Beech (outgoing president) over the past few years, BAM has grown into the vibrant, supportive and developmental community that it now is. I would like to build on these foundations, as well as on BAM’s values of equality diversity, inclusion and respect, and our commitment to creating sustainable futures for both individuals, organisations and for society. I hope to grow BAM not only in numbers, but also in the relationships that we have with international scholars, policy makers and practitioners, and in the impact that our community can have on both the business and management academy, on management practice, and on society more broadly.
Emma Parry is Professor of Human Resource Management and Head of the Changing World of Work Group, as well as Director of Academic Development at Cranfield University, UK. She is also Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Human Resource Management.