Outcome of BAM Vice Chair 2022 - 2023 Nominations
The deadline for nominations for new Vice Chairs 2022-2023 passed on the 16th April. We received only one eligible nomination for each portfolio, so the candidates are elected unopposed and there will be no poll. Each nomination was a ‘team ticket’.
We are delighted to announce that the new co-Vice Chairs, who will serve from Jan 2022-Dec 2023, are as follows:

Professor Savvas Papagiannidis

Dr Russ Glennon
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis of Newcastle University (2nd term) and Dr Russ Glennon of Manchester Metropolitan University
Candidacy Statement:
Prof Savvas Papagiannis has served his first term as co-Vice Chair for SIGs. He has also served as elected BAM Council member and as Chair for the Ebusiness and Egovernment SIG. In addition, he hosted BAM2016 in Newcastle. Dr Russ Glennon has served as a co-opted member and special advisor to BAM council for the last four years, focusing on supporting SIGs. He is also the chair of the Public Management & Governance SIG.
Over the next two years, we have a five-point plan to help deliver BAM’s 2024 strategy and support the SIG agenda. Our focus will be on providing effective support to SIGs to develop their capacity and capabilities. We will do this by :
- Developing an enhanced induction and support provided to SIG and Track Chairs and Committee members. This will create the capacity necessary for effective succession planning, and ensure that SIGs and the Academy more broadly meet their objectives.
- Helping BAM to develop its value proposition for members and develop the benefits in the post-pandemic era. In particular, we would like to support the Academy shape the provisions of its online services for both members and SIGS.
- Meeting our second objective will enable us to contribute to growing BAM’s membership, both nationally and internationally. SiGs have a vital role to play in both recruitment and retention.
- Exploring ways to involve SIGs more actively in Academy matters and for their voice to be more regularly heard by the BAM Council and Executive.
- Enabling even more collaboration between SIGs and exploring synergies. We would especially like to strengthen the links between SIGs and the BAM Continental Network.

Professor Ashley Roberts
Professor Ashley Roberts PhD is Professor of Organisatonal Behaviour at Warwick Business School and Assistant Dean (Internationalisation).
He has presented his research at many conferences, most recently at The Academy of Management, The British Academy of Management and also as a visiting scholar at Harvard University.
He researches organisational culture, shared leadership, creative learning and participatory pedagogies, publishing in a range of journals including The Leadership Quarterly, British Journal of Management, and Work, Employment and Society.
Ashley is Director, Trustee and Executive Team Member for The British Academy of Management where he both formulates and implements strategic international policy. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, an Academic Member of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, plus a Member of The International Centre for Research in Organisational Discourse, Strategy and Change.
He is a National Teaching Fellow, a winner of The Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence and is a Fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy. Ashley also holds Visiting Professorships at leading global institutions and is External MBA Examiner to a Russell Group University. He is an editorial board member of the journal The British Journal of Management and reviews for top ranked academic journals.
Ashley gained a PhD from Cardiff University where he also previously taught on a variety of courses at Cardiff Business School. Ashley teaches on Undergraduate, Warwick MBA and Master's level courses. He is the internal examiner on the Organisational Behaviour Executive variant of the Warwick MBA (London), Leading Global Organisations (Dubai) and Strategic Luxury Leadership (Venice).
He has taught Organisational Behaviour MBA Modules in Brussels, Chile, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai and Venice. Each year Ashley wins an award for his outstanding contribution to Undergraduate teaching and he also receives the Warwick Business School Outstanding MBA Teacher Award annually.

Professor Kate Black
Kate Black is a Professor of Management Learning and Education at Northumbria University.
Following an early career as a Marine Ecologist at a Field Centre in rural Pembrokeshire, Kate moved into HR management (Recruitment and Development) within retail management. Her key role was to implement the recruitment and development strategy during a period when the branch was under considerable strain both locally in terms of staffing availability, and as a result of changing sales strategies.
Kate joined Northumbria Business School in Summer 2014 following 10 years at the University of Chester, latterly within Chester Business School. She currently holds the role of Director of Education within the Business School
Kate is also the Co-Vice Chair for the BAM Management, Knowledge and Education sub-committee.
Candidacy Statement:
As long serving, active members of our BAM community we would be honoured to advance our involvement and contribute further to BAM’s Strategy 2024 in the role of Co-Vice Chairs of MKE.
Our key areas of proposed focus if elected as Co-Vice Chair are:
- Capacity building events for high quality learning, teaching and management education
- Championing diversity through links and partnerships
- Raising BAM’s global profile via impactful MKE activity that contributes to scholarship and practice
- Each of these areas will aid the further development and enhancement of our BAM community, extending membership and opportunities for all colleagues engaged with teaching and scholarship.
We bring our joint experiences of being:
- elected as a BAM Council member
- founding BAM Council member of MKE
- co-leads for BAM’s Education-focussed Professor series
- co-leads for the 2021 MKE Education Practice Conference
- contributors to MKE’s Education Practice Awards
- keynote speaker at BAM’s Teaching Excellence, Scholarship and Impact Event
- elected as a BAM SIG Chair
- reviewer for BJM
- contributor to BAM’s Doctoral symposium
- facilitators for BAM SIG/conference workshops
- reviewer for BAM grants
- recipient of BAM Grant
- Relevant experiences external to BAM include AMLE editorial board membership, publications in such journals as Management Learning, The Leadership Quarterly and Work, Employment & Society, and editorship of two Routledge-commissioned texts.
Further insight into our key areas of proposed focus are as follows:
First, the growing focus within Business Schools upon quality learning and teaching and associated scholarship, brought about especially through TEF and most recently, the pandemic, highlights the strategic importance of educational capacity-building activity. We will leverage our co-leadership of BAM’s successful Education-focussed Professor programme that has seen over 400 participants from across Australasia, Europe, US, as well as the UK, to develop activities and opportunities that provide impact for education-focussed academics.
Second, in extending BAM membership through actively engaging teaching and scholarship colleagues, we will champion diversity by seeking to actively recruit and involve a broader membership. Specifically, working with BAM’s Continental Network and drawing upon Ashley’s networks as Assistant Dean (Internationalisation), we aim to increase international membership and events so as to maximise our global impact. Aligning also with BAM’s strategic aim of developing purposeful partnerships, and recognising how these are central to MKE’s future, we will explore synergistic relations for mutual benefit. For example, utilising Kate’s PFHEA (Advance HE) and CABS networks, Ashley’s NTF (Advance HE) community and our HRM/D practitioner communities.
Third, to raise BAM’s global profile from building upon the on-going MKE projects, we will also explore and implement impactful initiatives that contribute to the scholarship and practice of teaching and learning. These activities will include growing the MKE Conference and supporting the strategic aim of developing and launching the new BAM MKE journal. We will further examine new interdisciplinary approaches and champion activities to ensure strategic alignment between the disciplinary research within BAM’s SIGs and the educational scholarship and practice of MKE.
We look forward to working with you, as BAM members, as Co-Vice Chairs of MKE.

Prof Fiona Wilson

Professor Sarah Robinson
Sarah Robinson is a Professor at Rennes School of Business and a visting Professor at the University of Glasgow. Previously, she worked as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Leicester, the Open University, Lancaster University and in international development in China and Ukraine.
Her interests relate to learning in its many forms, both personal and organisational. She is particularly interested in developing visual, digital and hermeneutic research methodologies for organisational research and in applications of Pierre Bourdieu’s work to organisation studies.
Current projects include:
- a study of the learning and development of early career academics in contemporary business schools
- the origins and development of the English wine industry
- the genesis of women as political leaders in Scotland.
Sarah has published in a broad range of journals including:
- Human Relations
- Organization Studies
- British Journal of Management
- Organisation
- Business History
- Management Learning
- Leadership and International Small Business Journal.
Candidacy Statement:
David Sarpong - I am Reader in Strategic Management and Head of the Brunel Business School’s Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and International Business (SEIB) Research Group. My research interest lies in the broad areas of strategic management and international management. My current research concerns second-order innovation and technology management, strategic foresight, and microstoria of first-generation migrants in European marketplaces.
I joined BAM as a Doctoral student in 2007 and has since been an active and engaged member of the Academy. I co-Chaired the Strategy Special Interest Group (SIG) from 2013-2018 and was co-opted to serve on the BAM Council in 2018, where I continue to serve on the Sub-Committee of Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building. In the same year, I was given the opportunity to serve as co-Convenor of the Doctoral Symposium of the annual BAM Conference, delivering a doctoral symposium consistent with the academy’s values of excellence, community, integrity, inclusiveness, and professionalism.
Emma Parry - I am Professor of Human Resource Management and Head of the Changing World of Work Group at Cranfield School of Management. My research interests focus on the impact of the changing external context, in particular the influence of national context, technological advancement and changing workforce demographics on managing people.
I am passionate about developing research and broader capacity within the management academy and providing support and development opportunities to academics across all stages of their careers. This has been evidenced strongly in my career to date. For example, until very recently I was Director of Doctoral Programmes and am currently Director of Academic Development and Deputy Director of Research at Cranfield School of Management.
I am a BAM Fellow and have been a member of Council and part of the Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building team for the past six years. I created and managed the annual symposium for students and faculty involved with doctorates in business administration (DBAs). For the past two years, I have been Chair of the annual Doctoral Symposium, and have led the design and delivery of this as a crucial part of BAM’s strategy. I was also President of the Executive DBA Council until June 2020 and am currently part of the Executive Committee for the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM).
In seeking election to the role of Vice Chairs (Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building), we hope to contribute our time, knowledge, and experience in shaping the present and the future of the Academy. Working together with the Council, we aim to do this by 1) extending the current provision of multidisciplinary capacity building workshops, events and structured programmes for academics at all stages of their careers, 2) driving forward the internationalisation of our capacity development efforts to increase BAM’s visibility across the four nations of the UK and beyond, 3) emphasising and promoting ‘scholarship that matters’ at BAM conferences, events, and symposiums, and 4) exploring and exploiting potentialities, and possibilities to improving BAM membership offerings and recruitment.

Professor Pawan Budhwar

Professor Stephanie Decker
Stephanie Decker, FAcSS, is Professor of Strategy and Deputy Dean at Birmingham Business School. She has contributed substantially to interdisciplinary research that draws on historical knowledge to expand and problematise management knowledge.
This research stream was recognised in the REF 2022 panel report for its contribution to the theoretical sophistication of business history. Her work spans methodological and theoretical issues, as well as empirical research on the role of international business in global contexts that are often underrepresented in business research, such as Africa. She has been joint editor-in-chief of Business History since 2020.
As co-Vice Chair for Research & Publications at the British Academy of Management, she has developed BAM’s Open Access strategy to support the continued excellence of our journals, British Journal of Management and International Journal of Management Reviews, as well as supporting the further development of the BAM research grants scheme.
She co-authored the BAM Guide to Decolonizing the Business School Curriculum with the BAM Vice Chair for Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity & Respect and continues to champion interdisciplinary research in business, management and beyond
Candidacy Statement:
In running as Co-chairs for Research and Publications (R&P), we bring together our combined research and journal editing experience, and leadership vision to work collaboratively on behalf of BAM members and help BAM achieve its 2024 strategy.
Via this role, we envision to adopt BAM’s principles on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) to work in collaboration between committees to adopt an integrated approach to help BAM become a key provider of training and development and thus career enhancement independent of their place of work, as a means of overcoming the hierarchical nature of the UK higher education. The Covid-19 pandemic in particular has highlighted the importance of such initiatives by the BAM community. We will embed the principles of EDI to promote clear standards for all aspects of R&P at BAM (e.g., editorial appointments for BAM journals, research awards, nomination for national panels like REF).
Between us, we have worked at a wide range of UK institutions, in key research roles, and bring a wealth of experience (e.g., both of us have been Associate Dean Research and Pawan is on the present REF panel). Further, both of us have significant journal editorial experience, including Pawan as past Co-Editor-in-Chief of BJM and present Co-Editor-in-Chief of HRMJ and Stephanie as Editor of Business History. Pawan currently serves as Head of Aston Business School, while Stephanie is Head of Academic Group at Bristol. Through our vast and diverse experience, we have come to appreciate the range of challenges faced in supporting management researchers in diverse institutional contexts and ways of successfully addressing them.
We seek to expand BAM’s increasingly international reach by drawing on our substantial international research experience (for details, see our profiles: Pawan, Stephanie). We would continue to support existing activities that enhance internationalization and explore, with other Vice-Chairs, how R&P can develop new initiatives and contribute to those of other committees. As editors of major journals, we are used to working with publishers and well-versed on topics such ‘open access’, negotiating new contracts with publishers and implementing the principles of COPE and DORA, which are key issues for R&P going forward.
BAM being a closely knit community, we would work closely, with our SIGs, Fellows, Council members, Doctoral Scholars reps, and related learned societies to support management research that is relevant, impactful, interdisciplinary and innovative. This includes strengthening our links with key research organisations and learned societies like Academy of Social Sciences. We aspire to expand grant funding opportunities (e.g. industry sponsorships) in addition to the highly successful BAM Developmental Grants Scheme. Such funding support is vital in supporting the research of BAM members and building capacity, especially among early-career researchers.
Having been involved with BAM for decades, in a variety of roles, including, in Pawan’s case, as a BAM Fellow since 2012, we would be excited by the opportunity to build on the excellent work of our predecessors and continue promoting and developing the value of research, publishing, and impact activities by business and management scholars in the UK.
From January they will join our Chair Professor Katy Mason, our President Professor Nic Beech, our Treasurer Dr Neil Pyper and our Vice Chair for EDI Professor Martyna Sliwa, whose terms on the BAM Executive continue. We will continue to have a strong team to take BAM’s strategy forward, and are grateful for their willingness to serve in this way.