24 Jun 2021

Professor Natasha Mauthner to lead the BAM-CABS Development Programme for Directors of Research (DPDoR)

After three years successfully leading our long-established, flagship development programme, run jointly with the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS), Professor Graeme Currie of Warwick Business School will be stepping down, having reached the end of his term of appointment. We extend our heartfelt thanks to him for his excellent work shaping new generations of research leaders in our universities. 

Following an open and extensive recruitment process, we are delighted to welcome Professor Natasha Mauthner, Director of Research at Newcastle University Business School, and an alumna of the DPDoR programme herself, to lead the programme from this autumn.

Professors Nicholas O’Regan and Helen Shipton, BAM Co-Vice Chairs for Capacity Building, said, “Natasha’s deep experience as Director of Research in two institutions and across two REF cycles, coupled with a clear and exciting vision for the programme and a strong commitment to our shared values of equality, diversity, inclusion and respect, made her an ideal facilitator for the programme.”

Natasha Maunther

Natasha Maunther

Natasha Mauthner is a Professor of Social Science Philosophy and Method and joined the Newcastle University Business School as Director of Research in September 2018. Prior to this appointment, she worked at the University of Aberdeen’s Business School (2003-2018) where she was Director of Research (2012-2018), led the REF2014 Business and Management submission, and was the Research Lead on the Business School’s Athena SWAN Bronze Award (2016-17). From 2013 to 2018 Natasha was an Associate Director of the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, a consortium centre based at the University of Edinburgh. Natasha has also held research posts at the University of Aberdeen’s Arkleton Centre for Rural Development Research (1998-2003) and Health Services Research Unit (1995-1996), and the University of Edinburgh’s Research Unit in Health and Behavioural Change (1996-1998). Natasha has an Honorary Chair at the University of Aberdeen's Business School, and has had visiting appointments at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Carlton University in Canada, University of Melbourne in Australia, and the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.

The Development Programme for Directors of Research 2021-2022 programme for existing and aspiring DoRs/ADRs will open for recruitment soon. We are looking to run it in its usual face-to-face format this year, if pandemic conditions in November permit. Places are limited and to facilitate the creation of a strong, self-supporting group, we normally accept only one delegate from each institution. Further details will be published on both the BAM and Chartered ABS websites and circulated direct to UK institutions.