29 May 2024

The ‘Voices from the Race at Work Surveys’ report was commissioned by Business in the Community’s (BITC) Race Equality Leadership Team and aims to amplify the voices of more than 42,000 employees, who provided comments across the Race at Work Surveys (2015, 2018 and 2021 ), in collaboration with YouGov.



It includes an introduction from BITC’s Race Equality Director, Sandra Kerr CBE, as well as three key calls to action for employers to encourage racial equality in the workplace and an additional call to action for HR Directors.

The report covers:

  • Key themes: uncover thematic insights from each survey, shedding light on the reality of race equality in the workplace.
  • Policy implications: understand the implications of these findings for HR and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy and practise.
  • Employee experiences: read compelling quotes from individuals explaining their experience as Black, Asian, Mixed-Race and ethnically diverse employees.

Next steps

If your organisation has not made a public commitment to improving equality of opportunity in the workplace, you can do this today by signing the Race at Work Charter.